"How did you know where I was?" he says still clearly surprised.

"It's not hard when the local news is announcing your location".

He raises his eyebrow at me, how could have not seen the paparazzi following him like flies?

"Mummy" said Lily grinning up at me in happiness. I gave her a quick smile before turning back to Harry who was staring at me.

"We were just leaving anyway Cheri, so you can come with us," he said grabbing my wrist like I was the age of Lily.

"No, Harry we need to talk" I say annoyed at the way he was acting.

"Not here, when we get back" he said pulling Lily and me into the car park.

We got into the car and I quickly texted Louis to tell him I'd found Harry and we were heading back home.

I huffed as Harry started the car.

"Harry, I was looking for you for hours" I say angrily as he begins to drive back home. He ignores me and doesn't say a word. I glare at him as he gives me the cold shoulder. The rest of the car journey is silent until we get back to the house. When Harry finally speaks it isn't to me, it's to Lily.

"Lily honey, you go watch T.V while I make dinner" she eagerly nods her head then disappears into the living room.

I follow him into the kitchen but he continues to ignore me. I stand with my arms crossed as he begins to get out the saucepan and ingredients to make a stir-fry. Finally I can't take the silence anymore.

"Aren't you going to say anything?!" I say furious.

Harry coldly looks at me "What do you want me to say".

"I want you to understand why I kept it a secret," I say on the edge of tears.

He glares at me "Why didn't you tell me as soon as you knew".

"Because I was scared Harry, you were different then, you would have beat me up with out thinking twice about it" I fired back.

He looks at me shocked because he knows my words are true.

"I've changed though, I would never hurt Lily".

I shake my head remembering when Harry had beaten me up after school and I'd fallen on my stomach. I know that he has changed since then but at the time he was a risk to Lily.

"Maybe not now but before you might off".

Harry glares at me in disgust "I would never hurt a baby".

"But you hurt me, so what would stop you doing the same to her" i say raisng my eyebrow just to annoy him even more. I know that he would never intentionally hurt a baby even two years ago but I can't help but argue back with him.

"I wouldn't have hurt her," he says icily.

I glare back at him "You can't prove that".

"I would have understood, I can't believe you kept it form me for more than two years!" he said growing angry.

"You don't know how hard it was looking after her alone"

"I could of helped!" he says desperately.

"You were to wrapped up in all your fame and success"

"You just don't get it, I'm glad Lily's mine, I care about her"

"You hardly know Lily, you can't just suddenly care," I say bitterly.

"But I do care" Harry says softly.

"No you don't, nobody cares," I say finally losing it and bursting into tears.

Harry instantly looks worried and quickly pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry Cheri, I didn't mean to upset you".

""It's okay, I am glad you care about Lily" I say finding comfort in his hug.

"And I care about you too"

"You do?" I say looking up at him, my eyes clouding with confusion.

"Yes you and Lily- both of you" he says hugging me tighter.

What did he mean by that?

"And it's just so hard" he says his eyes suddenly looking pained.

"What's so hard?" I say bewildered.

He looks down at me softly "keeping away from you".

Before I can say anything, he leans down and kisses me.


oooo Romanceeee ;)

Aha okay I've decided when Beaten and Bullied gets to 100,000 read that I'm going to do a competition :DD

This chapter is dedicated to @pao_loves_horan sice she been asking for a while aw :)

Next chapter dedicated to a commenter xo

Okay 160 votes maybe?

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