48. It Started With A Tweet

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Aranya's POV

"Aranya do you which was the perfect moment in my life?" I could hear his voice booming in but didn't see him. "No" I slowly said. "Well it was the day when you sent me that tweet. The day when I saw the messy you in the bakery. The day I said 'I love you'.The day we first kissed. The day we went official" Virat said while coming down the stairs. There was no doubt about it that he was being honest. "So Aranya, today we're going to reenact our story. That will be our movie moment. And it's named 'It Started With A Tweet'." saying that Virat disappeared again.

I was taken to another set after that. There was a room which looked exactly like mine. There was a computer same as mine on the table too. I was made to seat on the table. I was puzzled at first, but then I realised that I will have to reenact that scene of sending the tweet. I sent the tweet too Virat again. But the only difference was he replied with an 'I Love You' this time. Like that, we reenacted all the scenes. It was like the best movie moments one can ever think of. Virat was my hero and I his heroine. My life seemed just perfect at that moment.

Virat's POV

I was happy that my efforts didn't go in vain. Aranya loved all the surprises. That constant smile on her face gave me peace. I know that she was going through the most difficult phase of her life. To be true, it was the most difficult phase for all of us. Aunty and Anuraag Bhai might not say anything, but I know they're constantly crying from inside. So is the same in the case of Isha, Shruti and Nishant- Aranya's three best friends. And for Yuvi bhai, Dhoni bhai, Raina and Rohit, Aranya is like their small sister they always wanted. In short, none of us can ever imagine our life without Aranya now.

Coming back to Aranya, I noticed that she was staring at me. It was my fault though. I zoned out in between thinking about Aranya and this damn disease that she was dealing with. I could see that there was confusion, written all over her face which made her to look more cute. "Aranya, kya hua baby? You seem confused" I asked while coming close to her. I encircled my arms around her shoulder and brought her close to me. She immediately blushed on that. Gosh! I love the fact that I can still make her to blush. A few red streaks appeared on both her cheeks making her look just adorable. Without thinking twice I leaned down and kissed her cheeks. "Virat, ac-actually we're not alone here. So can you just-? Aranya started to say but I cut her off in the mid by placing my finger on her lips. "Ssh! Meri hone wali Mrs Kohli ho tum. So why to care about others now?" Saying that I winked. Her eyes immediately turned big to that of saucer size on hearing that. She opened her mouth to say something, but then didn't say anything. Instead she hit me on my chest playfully. "Virat come let's go before you do anything else" She said while dragging me out of the studio.

After getting out, I freed my hands from her grip and stopped on my tracks. This made her to look at me. "So it means we can continue from where we had left at home ha?" I said in a serious tone. She blushed again on hearing that. "No I-I didn't m-mean that." Aranya stuttered. This girl is something else. She is so innocent. She didn't even realise it that I was joking. I immediately felt guilty for making her feel bad. So I wasted no time and said "Geez! I was just joking Aru. Don't worry, we won't cross any limits until we get married. I love you my idiot. Now let's go" Her face brightened on hearing that and gave one of her killer smiles. 'Only if she had known how much it affects you' my inner conscience told me. I shushed it and averted my attention back to Aranya. "I love you too Virat." She replied. This was all I wanted to hear from her...

A/n: Sorry for the late updates. I was busy with the semester exams actually. But I promise that I will be updating on alternative days from now on. A lot more is going to happen in the lives of Virat and Aranya. Stick around to know about it.

And please don't forget to hit the 'star' button after reading. Your votes matter a lot for me. Love you all xx

One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now