40. This Can't Be Happening

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Virat's POV

Raina giggled. We all looked at him.
"Here hear ..." He repeated while snickering. Oh Raina. Aru leaned into me and whispered, "I swear you got the weirdest friends ever."
Weird, but they are the best.
The doctor looked at Aru. "How are you feeling today, Ms. Mehta?" He adressed her.
Aru looked at me. I swear, every time she looks at me, I catch my breath. "Better." She answered him back.
That's how I feel when I'm with her, I feel better.
"So, what was the cause doc?" Anurag bhai asked him.
The doctor flipped through his records. "Well, the interesting thing is, she doesn't have a flu or something. But the fever keeps coming back again. Does your ribs still hurt?"
"Kinda.." Aru answered and bit her lip. "And also, um, my shoulders kind of hurt a bit too."
The doctors head sprung and he looked at the the other two beside him who were taking notes.
"After the x-ray, you don't have any signs of broken or fractured bones, Aranya." The doctor said. He looked very weary, I wonder why.
I stood up. "So, what caused it?"
The doctor sighed. "I hate to be the giver of bad news."
And just then and there I knew that something would change our lives. I went closer to Aru. I can see her getting nervous. I touched her shoulders, it was cold.
The doctor faced Aru's aunt, "Mrs. Kapoor." And then he faced Aru,
"Aranya. I am so sorry to say this, but you are diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia."
My heart stopped beating. I didn't even hear anything anymore after that. I felt like I was being pulled down by gravity, finding it harder to move, or even breathe. Why? Why Lord? I found strength to turn my head and face Aru, that beautiful creature. And yet again, I was going to loose the person I love. You know what's worst this time? I was going to loose the person who gave me reason to live again. I was going to loose Aru.
Next thing I knew my feet were moving and I was dashing out of the room and out of the hospital. No, I couldn't hear anymore of their chemotherapy schedules and healing services. Nothing in the world makes sense to me anymore. I was running towards any direction I can go to. I wanted to die.
Because I can't imagine living in a world without her.

Aranya's POV

"Aranya. I am so sorry to say this, but you are diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia."
Oh. Wow.
Actually, I am lost for words. Whatever that doctor was saying next, my ears are blocking them out. All I could think of is "I am going to die soon". I know that everyone dies, but you know what sucks when you have sickness like these? You're going to know when you're going to die. And I hate that. I'd rather it be a tragic yet epic disaster rather than saying "you have six months to live"
I felt eyes on me. I turned to my side and I saw Virat staring at me with lifeless eyes.
Oh crap, it's going to happen to him again. He promised me that he will never leave me, and now here I am, the one who's going to leave him? My heart sank.
He then stood up and started to dash away. "Virat!" I called out, but it was too late. My tears were already starting to flow.

One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now