7. Mystery?

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Aranya's POV
Its been a week since I saw Virat last. He had to go to Mumbai to attend some Cricket Board meetings and also a few press conferences. Only few days are left until our training period gets over. I really wish that Isha, Shruti and I should somehow get the chance to work together.
After a tiring day at the radio station, I returned to our apartment alongwith Isha and Shruti and all three of us plopped down on the sofa. Isha being the responsible one, literally pushed me and Shruti to our rooms and yelled,"Go and take a shower girls. I will order something for dinner till then!". I took a quick hot shower and changed into my night clothes after that. I came down to our living room and sat beside Isha who was scrolling through the channels. Shruti joined us a few minutes later. As there were no special programmes or movies being telecasted, Isha decided to watch the news. I became excited when I saw that Virat's interview will be telecasted at 7pm. I checked the time. It was 6:50pm. I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of popcorn. "Someone is very excited about seeing Virat", Shruti said cheekily. "Ah! As if you don't feel the same Shruti when you see Rohit", Isha commented. I high-fived with Isha and wiggled my eyebrows at her. "What?", Isha blurted out.. "Someone is missing Raina hmmmm?" I asked her jokingly. Isha's cheeks immediately turned crimson. Shruti and I aw-ed. Isha said,"Hush girls! You definitely don't want to miss our Virat's interview right?". "Yeah!" Shruti and I said in unison
The interview started. The interviewer was Mandira Bedi. She addressed the audience at first and then called in Virat. He looked dashing as always with his 1000 watt smile. He was wearing a white v-neck T-shirt, faded jeans and a black tuxedo with his white TOMS. The interviewer asked him various questions regarding his early career and his experiences. One could easily make it out from the way his eyes sparkled whenever he talks about cricket that he is very passionate about the game. It means his life to him.
After asking about his career, the interviewer started asking him some personal questions. "Virat we know how much you adore your mom. But my question is, is there anyone special in your life? You know what I mean", Mandira asked. "I don't have anyone special in my life yet. But who knows, there might be someone very soon", Virat said while winking at the camera. I automatically started blushing hard. I don't know why, but I felt as if his reply with the wink was directed towards me. 'Idiot, stop exaggerating. He didn't mention your name. Moreover, he takes you as his friend.', my inner conscience yelled at me. Yeah! We are just friends! The interviewer asked him another question,"So it means you love someone Mr Virat? Or do you like anyone?". Virat laughed a bit and then said,"Maybe or maybe not. Let's leave it as a mystery for now. The paps will have a hard time solving it. Won't they?". Saying that he winked again. What's with him? I was confused. The winking game and all.
The interview ended soon. Isha and Shruti went to their rooms after Raina and Rohit called them. I was sitting on the couch. There were many questions in my mind. The weird replies of Virat to the interviewer, his winking game. 'Was he talking about Mrigakshi when he told about his special someone?' I questioned myself. Ofcourse not! He would have told me otherwise. As I was thinking about those things, my phone started ringing. I checked the caller id and saw Virat's name. I picked it up immediately faking Mrigakshi's tone "Veeee!". "Aru please. I hate her and her weird way of calling me you know", Virat answered. "I know. I missed you. When will you be back?" I asked him. "Awww I missed you too love. I will be back by day after tomorrow."Virat cooed. "Two more days!" I replied sadly.  "Don't be sad Winnie! You'll manage I know", Virat said assuring me. Suddenly, I remembered about his interview. "Virat may I ask you something?" I asked him nervously. "Of course. You don't need to ask my permission every time." He answered. "Okay! Do you like or love someone?" I blurted out. Virat giggled hearing my question. "So you saw the interview hmmm?" He asked me. "Cheeku this is not done. Answer my question", I replied. "Sssshhh! Secrets aren't meant to be revealed you know." He said. Ugh! This boy can be so playful at times. "Don't worry Winnie. You will get to know about it soon ." he added. "Okay. Anyways I am sleepy now. So good night." I said. "Good night Aru." He said. We finally ended the call for talking more than a power. I switched off the lights and went to my bed. I slowly drifted off to sleep with the thoughts of Virat in my mind.

Virat's POV
I really lose track of time whenever I talk to Aranya. We talked for more than a hour before hanging up. After I finished talking with Aranya, I saw that I had 3 missed calls from my mom and one from each Raina and Rohit. I decided to call my first. I dialled her number and could hear the ring. My mom took no time and received my call immediately "Virat beta! Where are you? I got so worried when you didn't answer my phone." My mom said. "I was talking with Rohit", I lied to her. I will tell her about Aranya. But this is not the right time. "Beta! When will you be back? I have some good news for you." My mom said. "Mom I will reach Delhi tomorrow". I replied. Okay! Okay! I lied to Aranya. I want to give her a surprise actually. "And what's with the good news?" I added. "Okay beta! Now go to your bed." My mom ordered. A mom will be always be a mom. "Ha ji mummy. And I have got something important to tell you too" I said to my mom. "Thik hain! Now go and sleep beta." My mom said. I hung up the phone after that. 'Tomorrow will be a big day  for you Virat' my inner conscience told me. I really hope that the things will go accordingly as I had planned. I switched off the lights and went to my bed. The last person about whom I thought before drifting off to sleep was Aranya!

I updated again with another chapter. So many confusions. Who does Virat like actually? What does Virat's mom want to tell him actually? What does Virat want to tell his mom? Why is it going to be a big day? Keep guessing. :)
Love you all! :*
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One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now