10. Saviour

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Virat's POV
I was pacing up and down my room as I was literally screwed up! On one side is Aranya, the girl with whom I had fallen in love with on the very first day we started talking and on the other side is Mrigakshi whom I hate. The only reason why I agreed to meet her was for the sake of my mom's happiness.
I heard the doorbell ring.  But I didn't go down. Soon I heard the voices of people becoming louder and clearer. I could recognise Dhoni bhai's and Sakshi Bhabi's voice and Mrigakshi's too as it was so annoying.  I could hear two other voices too.  Those were of the in - laws of Dhoni bhai probably. After a few minutes had passed,  I heard my mom calling me. "Beta come down. Sab aa gaye hai." my mom said. I sighed at my helplessness and went out of my room. While I was walking down the stairs,  Mrigakshi squealed like a mouse and shouted "Veeeeee.....". I groaned inwardly hearing that.  Can't this girl try to become less irritating?  I ignored her and sat be beside my mom on the sofa. Dhoni bhai was sitting on the opposite side. I passed a death glare to him as I was super pissed off with him for not informing beforehand about this. But Dhoni bhai gave a 'I - am - sorry -I - myself- didn't - know - about - it' look in return.  Okay maybe I was wrong.  Dhoni bhai didn't know about it too. 
I greeted Dhoni bhai's in - laws with my best fake smile.  We talked a bit for sometime,  but then I excused myself and went back to my room. 'I can't do this.  Please God help me.' I literally begged to God in my heart.  I wanted to be with Aranya badly. I was so much in deep thoughts about Aranya that I didn't even realise when Dhoni bhai came. "Ahem!  Ahem!  May I get your attention Cheeku" Dhoni bhai said mockingly.  "Ha bhai! " I said smiling awkwardly.  Though Dhoni bhai and me weren't brothers of the same blood,  yet we had an extraordinary connection between us.  He was more than a brother to me. "Virat I know that you are thinking about Aranya now." said Dhoni bhai more as a fact. I just nodded in return. Dhoni bhai sighed and   continued saying "Look Cheeku,  I seriously had no knowledge about all this. I didn't know that Sakshi and her parents were planning about this. But I promise you that I will help you to fix all this. " He finished saying. I felt a charge of relief pass through me after hearing that. I hugged him tightly and asked "Pinky promise? " Dhoni bhai laughed at my childishness and answered "Yes Cheeku. Pinky promise" "You're totally smitten by Aranya.  Aren't you? " He further added.  I nodded in return and grinned at him. "So Cheeku here's my plan. I will go down and announce to everyone that we all will go out for lunch. " Dhoni bhai said. "Is this your help bhai? " I asked in an angry tone. How can he even expect to go out with them on lunch? "Patience Virat. I have not finished it yet" Dhoni bhai said.  I mumbled a sorry to him. "So the plan is that you will have to call Aranya to the same restaurant. Likewise,  you will get to spend time with her and your mom and other people won't even know about it. And after the lunch we will tell your mom,  Sakshi, Mrigakshi and my in - laws that this won't be the right time to get engaged as you need to concentrate on our upcoming tri-series. And after that, you can totally skip the Mrigakshi chapter. " Dhoni bhai said and smirked at me.  "You are the best bhai" was all I managed to say.  I was overjoyed. Dhoni bhai was my SAVIOUR!

Dhoni's POV
We all know that Virat and Aranya are the best for each other.  I wonder how Sakshi is not able to see it.  Maybe she is blinded by the love for her sister that she rejected to believe this. Anyways, I will make sure that Virat and Aranya should end up being with each other, no matter whatever happens!!

10 chapters completed!  I hope you all are liking the story.  Love you guys.  Keep reading and keep voting :)

One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat