46. Fifty Fifty Chances.

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Virat's POV

Joy and confusion and more joy was what I felt. I hugged Aranya from my seat and she hugged me back. "I can't believe it, Aru. I can't believe it."
"I love you." She whispered in my ear.
Her aunt was in her seat crying a bit.
"Now wait, we do have some precautions here. This test is not 100% sure that you'd heal. And, since this is a big risk that you'd may want to take, I would just like to let you know that if in that day your body declines to accept this serum.."
"I'd die?" Aranya asked.
He nodded.
"Oh." she replied.
So I guess it goes on opposite ends. She live or she die.
Her aunt's expression changed too. "What!?!?"
"You are one of the first people that we would try it on. If you don't want, we could always go through chemotherapy and --"
"I'll do it." Aranya said.
I faced her. "Honey, did you hear what --"
"I heard it baby. I have full faith in this. With Chemo, you are just prolonging my arrival to death. But for this, its a fifty fifty thing."
I then cupped her face with tears trickling down my face. "Aru baby, are you sure about this?"
She quickly pecked me on the lips. "I told you that I'd fight this, right? This is it, Virat. This is the start of our battle."
I then nodded then kissed her back. "Ehem." Oops, looks like we forgot about Dr. Sharma and her aunt.
Dr. Sharma chuckled, "So good to be young and in love." He said and smiled at us. "You got a strong girl here, Mr. Kohli."
I nodded and put my arms around her. "I know. And I have no plans of losing her."
Mr. Sharma then scanned through the folder once more.
"So, what's it going to be?"

Aranya's POV

Then Mr Sharma asked "So, what's it going to be?"
I looked at Virat, and then I looked at my aunt. Then suddenly, I saw something outside Dr. Sharma's window. I walked up there slowly, and looked into the darkness. But you see, it's not only darkness that I saw. It's not darkness outside that made me stand up.
I saw fireflies. Dad. Mom
I can't help but smile. I love both of you too .
"I am your case number 2, Dr. Sharma."

AN: No serum of this sort exists right now. But I do hope that it does. xx

One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu