22. With love, from mom.

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Aranya's POV

"Aww, she looks so adorable."
"I don't wanna wake her."
"You don't have to. I'll do it."
"Isha, that wouldn't be nice. She's obviously tired."
"Pssssh, whateva." Suddenly, I felt someone poking my cheek, over and over again. I moaned softly, trying to swat her hand away. Eventually, I rolled over to my side, lifting the blanket over my face to try to protect myself from my her pokes. "Poke. Poke. Poke."
I grumbled a bit, and slowly opened up my eyes to see three figures hovering over me. Nishant, Shruti, and Isha. "Who p-poked me?"
Nishant and Isha immediately pointed to Shruti. She whistled innocently, eyes wandering around the room.
"I hate you." I murmured and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes tiredly. I looked around the room for a clock, vision still a bit blurry, and saw that it was six thirty p.m. I was asleep for about three hours. I still felt a bit tired, but I had to get up eventually. I yawned then looked at my friends, who were smiling at me like nothing was wrong. "Sooo, what do you want?"
"We were about to go head to the mall!" Shruti chirped, a bit too excitedly for my taste. She was so happy it was kinda scary.
"You wanna come with?" Nishant asked, as I yawned once more.
"It's only been two minutes you've yawned twice, Aru." Isha pointed out.
"Now, y-you're g-gonna make me y-yawn." Shruti let out a small one, making me laugh a bit.
"Yeah, I'll go. Just lemme change." I mumbled quickly and ran upstairs, occasionally skipping a step. I walked past my aunt's room and saw her holding something in her hands. Anurag bhai's door was closed so I was only one in the hallway. I accidentally stepped on a creaky piece of floor, making me jump a bit. She obviously caught me because she looked right up at me. There was a look in her eyes I couldn't read. I couldn't tell what it was. Sadness? A hint of anger? No.
"Aranya, come here." She mumbled quietly. I shyly went into her room. I just had a feeling I might be in trouble. She patted down a spot next to her on her bed as I made a list in my head of all the things she might be mad at me for.
"Aranya, you're not in trouble, I just wanted to give you something. Well, you're mother did anyways." A lump formed in my throat just at the thought of my mum. I missed her. I really did. Stupid drunk driver. My aunt made me turn her back to her with her soft hands. She gave me a weak smile as I felt something cold around her neck. It was that locket she promised to give me, once I was 22. My birthday was only a couple months back. I really wasn't expecting to get it. It was of the most gorgeous things ever. I'd always try to take it from her if I could when I was younger. It never left her neck though so I played with it whenever I was sitting on her lap, fingers running through the gold chain and tracing over the pale pink rose painted on top.

"A-Are you really g-giving me this?" I said, voice shaking. Heck my whole body was shaking. This was like a part of my mother, right here around my neck.
My aunt nodded slowly and helped me up, standing me in front of the mirror on her antique vanity. I just stared at the necklace, dangling from my neck. My aunt rubbed my shoulders.
"You look just like her, you know?" I could see my aunt getting teary eyed already. "I can see some of Ashmita in you."
Of course, like any kid, I never believed her when she said that. I just didn't see it. I had her brown hair but I had my father's brown eyes, never receiving my mum's piercing black ones.
I laughed half-heartily. "I don't see it."
She laughed a bit too, but it was short and sad. "Well, I do." Aunt took my hands, hers were warm and she squeezed my pale cold ones. "Take care of that locket, Aru. Take care of it like I take care of you."
She kissed my hands and gave me one last hug, kissing my head as another tear rolled down my cheek. I lightly gave her a kiss on the cheek. She squeezed my hand once more than left the room, leaving me there with my bittersweet thoughts of my deceased parents. I looked back in the mirror once more, and wiped away my tears. I quickly ran back to my room to change, slipping on a some high waisted blue jean shorts with a white top and dark blue blazer. I kept my necklace on, giving the look a vintage yet modern look. I'm sure the paps or some fans of Virat would find me, so I had to make sure I looked okay.
I ran down the stairs to see my other friends waiting patiently. I slipped on my black Converse, lacing them us as quickly as I could.
"Ready?" Nishant asked, giving me a small smile.
"Mmhmm!" I nodded, standing up and grabbing my bag.
"Ooh, I love your necklace!" Shruti said, eyeing it. I placed my hand over it, almost afraid she'd try to take it.
"Where did you get it?" Isha asked.
From Ashmita Mehta.
"From a very special person." I said simply, feeling a smile come on my face. As I walked outside and towards Nishant's car, I looked up at the light gray sky. Typical Delhi weather. I whispered quietly to myself, not expecting anyone to hear me.
"Miss you Mum. Miss you Dad. I know I'll always have you."
And Virat.
A feeling of security came over me as Nishant unlocked the car door, me slipping in the front seat next to him. Everything felt right again. No Vritika to worry about, no more crying, I had a sweet boyfriend, great friends, and my parents were kinda with me. The world almost seemed...perfect, just for this one moment.

Hey guys! I hope you're liking it. Don't forget to vote. Love ya all :*

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