28. Plans... Plans

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Virat's POV

I watched Aranya's beautiful face as she slept soundlessly in my arms. It was about 7pm and I had to wake her up, but I couldn't push myself to do it. She looked so peaceful. Presently, we were in Yuvi bhai's flat in Delhi. We wanted to avoid the paparazzi who were following us as well as spend some time alone with each other. I couldn't take her to my home as I haven't told my mom about our relationship yet. I couldn't take her to her aunt's place either as we will hardly be getting any privacy in the presence of her aunt and Anurag bhai. That's when I remembered about Yuvi bhai's other flat. I took his permission and brought Aranya here. We watched three movies, had our lunch and then when we were watching the fourth movie, Aranya fell asleep.

Now I am sitting on the sofa while Aranya is sleeping peacefully, resting her head on my lap. I could have carried her to the bed, but I didn't want to wake her up. And she seemed pretty comfortable here. Its been two hours since she fell asleep. To my utter dislike, I will have to wake her up and her tell her about my England tour. I wish if I could take her along with me. But that wasn't possible. Aranya will never go with me on my expenses. She's self-dependent. And that is another thing which I like very much about her. She never depends on any other person.

I will be back after a month only from the England tour. I can't handle passing one day without her, one month is down right impossible. 'Think Virat think!' I said to myself. After thinking for a while, a plan formed in my head and a huge grin spread on my face. It had to work. I decided to put the plan into execution after Aranya leaves for her office tomorrow.

Aranya stirred against me, slightly stretching herself before nuzzling her nose in my chest. Her breath tickled my skin as she sighed in her sleep, saying something indistinct. Such a cute tired kitten... I kissed her hair, inhaling her vanilla scent at the same time. I etched her smell in my memory so I won't ever go away. She mumbled something in her dream again. It sounded like 'I love you'. It made me grin like an idiot. Aranya seemed so small and vulnerable in my arms. Still smiling, I kissed the tender skin of her neck, loving the feeling of her warmth. She shivered against my touch and I smiled against her skin as I moved closer to her jawline, planting a trail of kisses on her skin. Aranya sighed. "More..." She whispered, her voice still full of sleep. I gladly acceded to her request and kissed her more. She tilted her head back to give me full access. I kissed her neck until I found her soft spot. Aru inhaled sharply as I did so. I gently sucked her neck and grazed my teeth against her skin. Aru let out an involuntary moan, turning me on. My arms were around her and I pulled her even closer, if that's even possible.

Aranya suddenly pulled back a bit, and I remembered that she wasn't used to that. I slowed my heartbeat down again and I opened my eyes, only to close them again as Aru crashed her sweet lips onto mine, surprising me. I instinctively replied to her. We made out like that for a few minutes before she had to pull away to catch her breath.

"Aru... Go get freshen up. We will have to go now baby" I said kissing her forhead. "Noooo I don't want to go. I am enjoying it here with you. Can't we stay here Cheeku?" Aru said while acting like a child. "Awww mera baby aaj nahi okay? We will come back here after the England tour." I said. The very next moment after I said those words, I realised that I didn't tell her about the tour yet. I could see her demeanor change after hearing those words. "England tour?" She asked with a confused expression on her face. "Baby, I forgot to tell you that we will have to go to England as we will be playing five test matches and three one-days with the English team" I replied.

Hearing that Aru's face fell. She averted her gaze from me and started looking at the floor. I could see her moistened eyes. "Jaan don't cry. Look at me" I said. But she didn't look at me. Therefore I held her chin and made her to look at me. This made her to cry more. I immediately pulled her to my chest and said "Baby listen. I know how hard it will be for you. But trust me, it will be equally hard for me too." with sincerity. This made Aru to look at my eyes and said "I love you Virat. I trust you with my whole heart." I could see total sincerity in her eyes. She meant each and every word that she had spoken. "And stay away from the girls. I had heard about Danielle Wyatt you know" she added. "Youuuuu!" I got up to hit her playfully. But she was quick. She ran out of the door while I ran after her....

One hour later......

I dropped Aranya at her place and came back to my home to do the packing. But before that I had to do some preparations for the proper execution of my plan tomorrow. So here's my plan-
Firstly, I will have to persuade Derek to help me. He will ask Aranya to accompany me to England by giving the excuse of the Meet and Greet. He will tell Aranya that he needs more information for the Meet and Greet which she would be able to get only if she accompanies me there. Aranya might not agree immediately to it. So here's the back up plan.
Secondly, I will tell Aranya that Mrigakshi will come along too which is true infact. Mrigakshi is a Sports Journalist of a leading channel. And Aranya hates Mrigakshi to the core. She knows that Mrigakshi is interested me.

So if the first plan doesn't work somehow, the second plan will definitely work. Within the next hour, I made all the necessary arrangements. I completed doing my packing too. I was about to call Aranya when my mom called me from the downstairs. "Virat beta idhar aao". "Ha ji mummy. Coming." I replied and immediately ran downstairs. I went to my mom and sat by her side on the sofa. "What happened mummy?" I asked. She tapped on my shoulder slightly and said "You're old enough now. And you will be getting a three months break after the England tour. I am thinking of your marriage with Mrigakshi. And she will be accompanying you all to England right? Make it sure to spend some quality time with her". "Mummy I will be going there to play and not on a vacation. Understand please!" "But Vi-" before she could say anything, I got up from the sofa and said "Good night mom. I am not feeling well." She tried to protest but I didn't listen to her. 'Virat you will have to make sure that Aranya shouldn't get to know anything about it before you settle the matter' I said to myself...

With the thoughts of Aranya in my mind I drifted off to sleep.

Virat and Aranya will be going to England. Keep on reading to know what more surprises are yet to come!

One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum