4.A Surprise!

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Virat's P.O.V
Although it was a Sunday, I woke up early in the morning at around 7 am. I was super excited as I and Aranya will finally get some time to spend together without any of our friends disturbing us. I got up from the bed and took a quick shower. After taking my shower, I got dressed and decided to call Aranya. I called her three times but she didn't pick it up. She's sleeping maybe. I called her again for the fourth time and finally she received my call.
"Hey Sleeping beauty."
"Vi...Virat.. What happened? Are you okay? Why did you call me so early?" Tell me noe. Are you alright?" Awww... This girl cares about me so much.
"Aru kucch nahi. Cool down babes. I am perfectly alright. I just wanted to wake you up. Now get up sleepy head. I will pick you up from your home at sharp 9am" I replied.
"Okay Cheeeekuuuu!" I groaned hearing her drag my name like that.
After saying our goodbyes we hung up. 'This day has just started' I said to myself.

Aranya's P.O.V
How can someone be so cute? Virat called me just to wake me up. I wish if he would call me up like that always in order to wake me up. A perfect start for the Sunday. Brushing the thoughts of Virat aside from my mind, I finally got up from the bed. I took a hot shower and got dressed quickly. I dressed myself in casuals- a pair of denim shorts and an oversized T-shirt along with my flip-flops. I checked the time and it was 8:50 am. Virat will be reaching here at any moment. So I skipped my idea of having breakfast although my stomach was growling out of hunger.

Virat's P.O.V
I parked my car infront of Aranya's home and went to ring the doorbell. I rang the doorbell three times. 'Ting Tong! Ting Tong! Ting Tong!'. The door opened and I saw Aranya's aunt smiling at me politely.
"Good morning Virat! Come inside." Aranya's aunt said.
"Good morning aunty. Did Aranya get ready?" I asked her.
"Yes Virat. Wait I will call her" Aranya's aunt replied.
"Aranyaaaa. Come down beta. Virat is here" I heard Aranya's aunt calling her.
After one minute, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned around to see who's coming, and my jaw dropped automatically when I saw Aranya standing beside me with a goofy smile on her face. She was dressed in her casuals. But still looked breathtaking.
When Aranya noticed that I was checking her out, she started giggling. After coming back to my senses, I managed to give her a complement "Gosh! Winnie. You are looking so beautiful." Although I knew that 'looking beautiful' will simply be an understatement. She was beyond beautiful. "Thanks Virat" she said. Still blushing.
I extended my right arm and she grabbed it softly. We bid her aunt goodbye and went out to my car. I opened the door of the passenger seat for Aranya like a gentleman by bowing my head down. "After you ma'am" I sad cheekily. She giggled slightly and got inside. Geez! I have started liking her giggle too.
After coming out of her thoughts, I took my seat and started driving. I prayed in my mind, so that everything will go perfectly as I had planned.

Aranya's P.O.V
So here I am, sitting on the passesnger seat of a Land Rover beside Virat Kohli. 'Is it a dream?' I questioned myself and pinched myself in order to see if it was just a dream or reality.
Virat started laughing hysterically all of a sudden. I had no idea why he was laughing. So I asked him "What is it Virat? Why are you laughing?". He stopped laughing and looked at me for a second before concentrating on the road again as he was driving. "This is not a dream Winnie. So you needn't pinch yourself. You're such a kid" he replied porking my cheeks with his left hand while his right hand was still on the steering wheel.
Geez! How did he know what I am thinking? "Virat did you hear what I said?" I asked him nervously. "Yes babes!" He said with a wink.
We kept on talking about all the random things till we reached our destination.
Virat being a gentleman, jumped out of the car and rushed to my side to open the door for me before I could realise. As I stepped out of the car, he went behind me and tied a blind fold on my eyes. He held my hand and helped me to walk. We walked for around 5 minutes and then he suddenly stopped. I could hear noises made by the people but I was not able to see where we exactly were because of the blind fold. "Virat where are we?" I asked him. He giggled. "Wait Winnie!" He replied taking off the blind fold from my eyes. "Surprise!" He whispered into my ear and I shivered as I felt his warm breathe. We were standing infront of a fair. Let me correct it, a big fair. Far away from the city. This was really a big surprise for me!
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One Life... One Love(A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) #YourStoryIndiaWhere stories live. Discover now