24. The Sweet Feels!

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Aranya's POV
The car ride was awkward. I didn't want to ask what they were arguing about. I was scared they'd both snap at me. "See you at the radio station, guys!" I said, pulling out all my bags and walking back into the house. Shruti gave me a small smile from the front seat as Nishant and Isha gave a quick wave. I ran to the door of my house, fumbled my hand around in my pocket, looking for my key. Once I got it, I slipped it in and opened it slowly. I could hear a bit of laughter inside and followed the melodic laughs. "Back already?" My aunt asked, eyes turning away from the screen.
"Mmhmm! Wanna see what I got?" I squealed a bit as Anurag bhai groaned into a pillow resting on the couch.
"I need to get my own place." I could've sworn he mumbled.
"You need to get a girlfriend too."
"Hey, it's better than hiding out in the basement going 'pew pew pew' all day." I shrugged innocently as my aunt laughed even more.
"All right enough. Lemme see what you bought." She said, and reached out for the yellow bag from Forever 21. We dug through everything, mentally putting things together and thinking of things that would go with the tops and skirts. I showed her the few necklaces and bracelets I got, and the earrings too. I could be fairly girly at times, but most of the time I'm not worrying about my hair or fussing over my frilly skirt.
"I'm tired though." I laid down on the carpet, right in the middle of my pile of clothes.
"You had a nap earlier, though." Anurag bhai said, a bit puzzled.
"My friend, you can never get enough sleep."
He smirked a bit. "True. Very true, Aru."
"Why don't you go call your boyfriend?" Aunt teased. She really acted like a kid sometimes, which is what I loved about her. I blushed a bit. The thought of being Virat's girlfriend still made me giddy. It felt weird though. It seemed like just the other day I sent Virat that harmless little tweet. Who knew it would turn out to be something bigger. It turned out to be a relationship with my favorite Delhite boy in the world and friendships with my other boys. I could actually call them 'my boys' now. We were that close.
"Ehh, maybe. He might be busy, I don't know. He'll probably give me that sweet goodnight call." I excused myself, picking up all my new clothes and rushing up to my room, Mum's locket bouncing up and down a bit as I ran up the stairs. I carefully took it off and placed it on my vanity, letting my fingers trace along the fragile design. I sighed and stripped out of my clothes, changing into something more comfortable. I slipped on some pajama bottoms and a light t-shirt. I pulled my hair up into a bun, not really caring how messy it was.
I pulled out my phone and saw a couple texts from Nishant and one from Shruti.
From: Nishant
Hey, would you mind if we talked?
I looked at the time. It was 8:30 p.m.
Umm, it's getting kinda late, no? :/
Good point. How about tomorrow?
All right. Should we meet somewhere?
CCD? 9:30?
That's sooo early.
Fine. 10: 30?
K! Good enough for me.
Haha! Okay, talk to you then. Night.
I couldn't help bit wonder what he wanted to talk about. Of course it had something to do with what happened today. I shook it off, realizing I was getting a call from Virat who was apparently put down as the sexiest man alive. I answered it with a smile, loving to hear his accent.

Virat's POV

"Hey Vi" I heard her answering the phone. She sounded sad
"Hey, Aru. You don't sound too happy?"
"Ehh, a lot on my mind."
"What happened, babe? Who did it?" Now I was really worried. She is such a sweet girl. I didn't like it when she is sad or worried.
She sighed a bit, and told me about what happened at the mall earlier. It was good for her to get it off her chest, because I could feel that it was bugging her a lot earlier. I mayn't have known Shruti and Nishant for a long time, but from whatever Aru had told me about them I could figure out that they never fought. If they did, it was serious. I just wondered if Aru had something to do with it.
"Well don't worry about it Princess." I said, comforting her. I could almost feel myself rubbing her shoulder comforting her. "I'm sure it'll be fine tomorrow."
"Eh, I guess."
"But when you're out with Nishant, tell him to keep his eyes off ya. You're all mine."
I felt a tugging at my heart. 'When did I become possessive about Aru?' I questioned myself.
"Awww I'm yours. Love you, Cheeku. And I also love it when you get all possessive." Awww this girl knew me so well. I wasn't there with her at the moment, yet she knew exactly what I am feeling.
"Love you too, Winnie. That too with my whole heart and soul"
"My Cheesy Cheeku. Omg! That almost rhymed" She giggled saying that.
I didn't groan. I didn't complain. I didn't ask why she had to embarrass me like that, because I liked the way she said it. It came off as teasingly but also really sweet. I liked the way she just naturally called me that. It sounded even cuter with her cute accent. I just loved her. Only she made me feel like this. A warm feeling went through my whole body, from my head to my toes. It was just a sweet feeling that I had someone who loved me for me. Who loved me just the way I was. I had someone who called me 'hers'. I had someone to call 'mine.'
"Okay, Vi. I'm kinda tired. This princess needs her beauty sleep." She said in a tired tone.
"You're already pretty, Winnie." I could almost picture her blushing a bit.
"Why are you so sweet?" She asked
"Eh, I don't know. Just the truth." I shrugged
"You're the whole package. Sweet, cute, Delhite, can play cricket, and can dance." She started ranting.
"Well, I try, my dear. I try." I said, cockily, making her laugh a bit.
"Okay, Kohli." She yawned rather loudly, hearing me laughing on the other end. "I-It's not f-funny."
"Yes it is!" I said back
"All right. Good night. I love you. Talk to you tomorrow, Virat." She said sounding more tired every moment.
"Good night, babe. Sweet dreams. I love you too." We hung up after we exchanged some more sweet words, acting all lovey dovey. It was quite amusing actually. I never thought I'd ever coo at my girlfriend, arguing over who would hang up first. Once we finished up our phone call, I slowly got under the covers, a smile on my face still as I began to shut my eyes. I just couldn't help but think to myself!

A/N: I hope you all are liking it. Don't forget to vote. Love you all <3

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