Chapter 44

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The boys finally got to the stage and all the girls screamed in the crowd. When it finally went silent the boys started too sing.  I looked at Julia and she was smiling, I know she was faking the smile but I just needed too be by her side at all time for this break up process. 

"There really good" Julia said, I nodded. Then Harry started too sing and the whole time had his complete attend on Julia, she just gave him a small smile. 

"You okay?" I asked her, she nodded. Then I looked back at the boys and I saw louie, when he saw me looking at him he gave me a wink. 

I mouth 'Iove you' and he smiled. 

After the performance, me and Julia went backstage too congratulate the boys before they announce who going too the Final's. 

"You guys did so good!" I said giving them each a hug, then Louie ran  behind me and gave me a hug. 

"Did you see me in the crowd?" I asked, he nodded and then started too give me kisses on my neck. 

"I need too talk too you" I said, then we went too the conner so no one would bother us. 

"Whats wrong boo??" He asked then I pointed too Harry and Julia standing on opposite side of the room. 

"I know" he said 

"I need too be with her tonight, so can we go out tomorrow?" I asked he nodded. 

"Im going too go home because I think she upset" I said, he nodded and gave me a kiss. 

"Love you boo" he said

"I love you too" I said before walking out. 

"Were going home?" Julia asked, I nodded. 

"Can we watch a movie and eat Ice cream" She asked, I nodded. 

"Of course" I said then we got into a cab that took us back too the hotel. 

"What film?" I yelled too her, I was in the living room and she was in the kitchen. 

"UM! Last Song" She said, I nodded and press rent button. 

"What Flavor?" She asked me

"Chocolate" I said walking into the kitchen helping her with the ice cream. 

"Me too" She said, then I took out two bowls from the cabinet, she put the ice cream in and we walked over too the couch too watch the movie. 

"Thanks for staying with me tonight" She said, I nodded. Me and Lou had plans that I was going too stay at his flat tonight. 

"OF course! This is what best friends do" I said, then after the movie was over we went into our rooms. I text Giselle


Me: Hey girl, I hate to say this over text but the time zone different

Giselle: Thats fine, tell me

Me: I saw Zayn kissing another girl

Giselle: Oh wow 

Me: Im so so sorry, I needed too tell you

Giselle: Thank you for telling me 

Me: Im sorry 

then I turn off my phone and fell asleep. 

Louis Pov

Me and all the lads got sent home tonight, It was the worst feeling every. Harry been crying all day over Julia and now this and her, Zayn been being a dick because Giselle found out about his girlfriend but he is a dick for cheating on her, Liam, Niall were really upset and I was too. 

"Uncle Si wants too see us" Liam said wiping one of the tears off his face. 

"I wonder what he wants" Niall asked

"I don't know, I just want to sleep" Zayn said, I nodded and we walked over too Simon. 

"Boys I know your upset but I want to sign you" he said, we were completely shocked.

"I believe you guys can become Famous and be successful" He said, then all our frowns turn to smiles. 

"THANK U SIMON!" Liam said shaking his hand.

"NO NO WE DO HUGS" I screamed going into a group hug.

"Alright come to my office and we will talk" He said, we nodded and followed. 

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