Chapter 8

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Great another day of going too school this should be fun…  

"Wake up Julia were going too be late" I said, trying too drag her out of her bed. I honestly don't know how her dad does it.   

"5 more minutes please, Im begging" She said, with her eye close.   

"Harry and Louis are meeting us at the bus stop" I said, then her eye shot open and I laughed.   

"Okay Im using the bathroom 1st" She said, I already use the bathroom all I had too do was eat, study and get dressed. I waited for Julia downstair, took out my glasses and started too studed.  

"Come on nerd let's go to the bus" she said, I laughed and followed her out.   

"I never told you this but I really just need too tell someone" I said, and Julia gave me her scared face.

  "Whats going on?" she asked, I sighed and began too tell her about the bullying at school. 

  "Im going too kill those kids" She said, she looked really angry.

  "Its fine, but the reason it all stared was freshmen year, Louie was making fun of me" I said, then we saw Louie and Harry.  

"what the hell" She screamed, I saw her face filled with shock.  

"But he doesn't know, and this is a secret Im trusting you with got it?" I said, she nodded. 

  "Lets go talk too the boys" She said, as we walked over too Louie and Harry. As we walked over there, my heat race. I was praying Julia wouldn't do anything. 

  "Good Morning Ladies" Harry said, then put his arm around Julia. I saw Louie staring at me, I looked back at him and smiled.  

"Hi" I said, then the bus pulled up and I saw Niall and Danielle on it.

  "Danielle!" me and Julia both screamed and ran onto the bus.

  "Hey Guys" She said, laughing we pulled her into a hug.  

"we haven't seen you in forever" I said, and she laughed. 

  "Sorry we were hanging out" Niall said, me and julia awe while danielle was trying too hind her blush.

    "Julia sit next too me!" Harry screamed causing everyone on the bus to look at Harry.  

"Sh!" Julia said, then slapping his shoulder as she sat next too him. They are so cute together.    As we walked off the bus going into school, Louie grab my hand. I looked up at him and saw him smiling.

    "You look beautiful" he whisper into my ear, I blushed.

    "so where would you like too go for our second date?" he asked me, then I looked at him with a frown.   

"can we do when finals are over"  I asked, and he laughed.  

"Why were senior we can do whatever" He said, I sighed.   

"I can't Im sorry" I said, he looked at with confusion. 

  "Wait whats going on?" He asked me as we walked into homeroom. 

  " I need to focus on studying thats all, Im sorry Louie" I said too him as I walked away too my seat.    Then I took out my book and glasses and began too study for most of my exams tomorrow. I just mad at the fact he didn't understand why I couldn't go on date right now. 

  "Liz, whatca studying?" Danielle asked me. 

  "History, then I need to study English, all these Exams are stressing me out" I said, she laughed and close my book. 

  "Take a break and talk too tomlinson, he looks upset" She said, I sighed and got up.  

"Louie, listen I want too go on another date really badly but I can't this week" I said, he nodded and I kissed him on the cheek.   

"Your adorable" I said, then as I walked away he called me back over.

  "what about a study date, at my place tonight" He said, I though this couldn't be a bad idea.  

"Sure, I'd love too" I said, then the bus rang, I grabbed my books and headed too class.  

"Im walking you too class" Julia said, I nodded. then I saw Liam, he was the one who scared me the most.   

"Oh is this louie girlfriend" Lauren said, and I saw Julia look at me.  

"Excuse me Mrs. Joans can I move over there" I asked my teacher, she nodded and I sat by Julia.  

"Thank god ur sitting here" she said, "If they every touch you or say anything I will hurt them" She said.  

"Thanks babe and i have a date with tommo tonite, a study date" I said, she laughed.

  "Your such a nerd, but your my nerd" She said. I laughed and continue too study.


( At Louie house )   

I was so nerves, I walked up too his house hopefully it is his house.

  *Knock* *knock* 

  "Liz!" Louis screamed, taking my hand too come inside, I laughed.

  "This is my mum, Jay" he said, bring me over too meet his mom.  

  "Hi Im jay lovely too meet you liz" She said, I smiled. 

  "Its nice too meet you Mrs. Tomlinson" I said, then Louie took me into another room. 

  "Liz this is lottie, Fizzy, Georgia, Phorbe, and daisy" He said, introduction me too these little adorable girls. 

  "Hi, Oh my gosh you all so pretty" I said, then Lottie whisper into my ear 'My brother really likes you he can't stop telling us about you' she said, I smiled.  

"really too study my little nerd" Louie said too me, I laughed and he brought me too his room.

  "Well what would you like too study first" I asked him, he struggled.

  "Umm math" He said, so then I took out my book.   

"ready?" I asked him, he nodded. then we kept studying but he was paying attending so then i though of game so that he would actually study.  

"Louis, I have an idea" I said, he looked at me.  

"WHat?" he asked, I moved closer too him and gave him a quick kiss.

  "EVerytime yo get a question right, you get a kiss" I said But louis Tomlinson isn't the smartest boy, so this game didn't work out.  

"Good night Louie" I said, grabbing my books. 

  "Wait Liz" he said, "let me walk my little nerd home" he said, I giggled and took his hand.  We walked too Julia house and before I walked inside he took me to the backyard. 

  "Louie what r u" I said, then I stop at look at the yard.  It was gorgeous it was all decorated. 

  "Louie" I said, then he stopped me and led me over too flowers.   

"Will you go to prom with me?" He asked me. Then I though too myself do I say yes or do I focus on my grades and forget about prom like I was supposed too do....   

Okay Hope you all liked it, but please go read Niall's Secret and An Unexpected Meet By Danielle_T

and An Unforgettable Past by alliet126

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