Chapter 5..

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Hi make sure you read Niall secrets by Danielle_t

Chapter 5

I walked home pretty fast because I needed too get ready for my date with louis. I honestly still can't believe this kid been waiting since freshmen year too go on one date with me, I felt horrible, if I knew that he was so sweet and romantic I would have said yes the first time.

"LIZ!! JULIA HERE" my brother screamed up too me.

"Julia come upstairs!!" I screamed downstairs.

"Julia can you do my make-up?!?" I asked her. When it's come too make-up I'm horrible. I can do hair pretty good but make-up is not my thing.

"Duh!!" She said, then directed me too sit down and then she did my make up but while she did it, I was thinking about tonite I was getting so nerves.

"Julia I'm nerves, what if he realizes that I'm not what he wants or if.."I said before Julia cut me off.

"Liz stop! He been waiting 3 years for this moment, he knows that your the girl he wants" she said, I nodded. I guess he liked me.

"LIZ! UR DATES R HERE!" James screamed up too us.

"Okay be down In a minute" I said back too him. Then I turned too Julia, I became so nerves it wasn't even funny, I just want tonight too be perfect! Then we walked downstairs, Julia looked really pretty she was wearing white high waisted short with a really pretty light pink ruffle shirt and her hair was straight with little curls at the tips. I was wearing light blue shorts with floral shirt and my hair was straighten.

"You look beautiful" Harry said too Julia, she blushed and gave him a Kiss on the cheek.

I walked over too louis and he grab my hand and lend over too my ear and whispered "you look breathtaking", I just blushed.

"Thank you and you look adorable" I said and he gave me a look.

"Adorable? I'm a guy" he said as we walked too Harry car.

"Alright you look like a sexy god" I said while giggling.

"Thanks baby" he said, pulling the car door open for me.

"Thanks tomlinson" I said getting into the car. When he got in I cuddled with him until we got too the fair.

"Ready for the best night of your life" he asked me, I nodded. Then he helped me out of the car and we headed toward the broad walk.

"I'm really glad you asked me out again" I said, then he looked at me and smiled.

"I'm just happy you finally said yes" he said, then he took my hand and kissed my cheek causing me too blush.

"So what should we do?" Julia asked us, I looked around there was rides and games and stuff like a normal fair would have.

"I guess we should walk around and see what we want to do" Harry said, we all agreed and walked around.

Text message: ( Danielle, Julia)

Danielle: guys Niall asked me if I wanted too go to the fair!

Me: OMG yay! Where are you!?!

Danielle: by the games and stuff meet us there

Julia: yay! Okay we will be there soon

"Lets go to the games Niall and Danielle are here" Julia said and Harry nodded. Then we began too walk over toward the games and stuff.

"LIZ!!!" Someone screamed so I turned around too see him standing there.

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