Chapter 30

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Me and Louie got up and walked out too the kitchen.

"Wanna make food?" He asked me, I nodded

"What should we make chef tommo?" i asked him, he laughed

"Whatever you want" He said, giving me a kiss on the nose. 

Then I heard Julia walk in, so I turned.

"Julia? You okay?" i asked, she nodded. 

"Im so sore" She said, then I rolled my eyes. I don't know how I fell asleep last night with her and harry…um….doing it. 

"where Harry?" louie asked

"I don't know, I think sleeping" Julia said, we nodded but then Harry walked out of the room, naked with noting on not even boxer. 

"WOAH DUDE MY GIRLFRIEND HERE!" Louie screamed, covering my eyes with his hand, Me and Julia were just laughing. 

"oh I though I was alone with um I be right back" he said turning all red from being embarrassed, then he ran into the room to hopefully put clothes on. 

"Ready too make food!" Louie screamed, then I laughed.

"Yepp!" I said, then I went too the fridge.

"we have no food" I said, then he picked up the phone for room serves. 

"When are we going back home?" Julia asked

"Tonight" he said, We both nodded. 

"Julia lets go pack, and Lou you should probably pack too" I said, then me and Julia went too get our bags. 

"Liz, I never though about it but what happens if I miss my period" She said, then my eyes wided, Is my best friend prego at 17. 

"That mean your pregnant, with harry kid" I said, then she fell too the floor. 

"What am I going too do???" She screamed

"Sh! maybe its just late….you can't be pregnant" I said, trying too calm her down. 

"I don't want too have a baby right now!" she yelled

"lets go too the drug store and get a test" I said, she nodded and wiped her tears.

"Please don't tell Louie or Harry" she begged, I nodded. 

"okay go to the bathroom, and freshen up, I'll go get changed" i said, she nodded. 

I change my clothes really fast so I could come up with an excuse on why we were going too the drug store…

"Hey babe" Louie said as I walked into the living room.

"hey boo, me and julia are going too the drug store really quick" I said, and I was praying he wasn't going too ask why.

"Oh okay" He said, then I smiled

"Why you going?" Harry asked, shit I had too come up with something. 

"We need girl stuff" I said, then Julia walked in.

"Just borrow Julia's girl stuff" Harry said, I rolled my eyes

"I can't" I said

"You told them!" Julia screamed, then I slapped my head

"NO!" I said, then harry went over too julia.

"Tell us what? whats wrong?" he asked her….please julia don't say it.

"umm" she said, then she looked at me for help

"were getting cramp pills okay?" I said, then Louie came over too me.

"there right here" He said, holding the bottle..FUCK

"Oh Julia I guess we don't need too go" i said sitting back down on the couch. 

"WE DO!" She yelled grabbing my arm walking out the door.

"Shit that was fucken impossible" She yelled as we walked outside too Louie car. 

"You have the keys?" i asked her, she cursed under her breath and shook her head.

"Lets just walk then" I said, she nodded and we walked too the nearest store. 

So we walked into the drug store and we over too a baby section too see if they had them. 

"Is that what they look like?" i asked, she nodded. 

"alright go pay" I said, she shook her head. 

"there is a cute guy no!" she yelled, I rolled my eyes and took the dam box and brought it too the counter. 

"You think you are?" he asked, I shook my head.

"Its for this one" i said, he nodded and julia slapped me. 

"5.00" He said, dam thats a lot of money but oh well.

"here, thank you!" I said, then he winked at me as we walked out the door. 

"hey wait up!" he screamed, I turned too julia, she just laughed.

"here my number, we should hang out sometime" he said, handing me a piece of paper.

"okay bye!" i said, he then started walking back into the store, I just shove the number in my louie sweat shirt. 

"I would be happy for you but I'm stressing out" She yelled, then I saw a pizza place coming up.

"lets get this over with" I said, pulling her into the place.

"Excuse me where is the bathroom?" i asked one of the old men, he pointed too the restroom door, I nodded and thanked him.

"Okay I think you pee on this thing" i said, she nodded, then I pulled out my phone and saw 11 missed calls from Louie.

so I called him back as Julia was doing her thing.

"Where are you!?!" he yelled into the phone

"Im in a pizza place bathroom" i said, he laughed

"Are you okay??" he asked

"Im fine, so is Julia were coming home in 10 mins don't worry" I said,

"Okay I love you" He said, those words still make my heart flutter. 

"Love you too!" I said back, then I hung up. 

"OH MY GOSH LIZ!" Julia screamed, then I turned too her and I saw her face I couldn't tell her emotion. 

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