Chapter 36

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 everyone read Alliet126 Fanfict 

So me and Julia headed to the airport when she finish packing. I was so stressed and was crying but I hate feeling this way. I don't care if he was drunk and high because there the choices he made, and this is the result. I hate that stuff, he knows that so maybe this is for the best. 

"Are you okay?" Julia asked, I wipe my tears and nodded. 

"Yeah…I just hate both of them so much!" i said, she nodded.

"Don't worry boo, we basically starting a new life in England" she said, I nodded. 

"Thank god were best friend" I said, then we hugged. 

"Do you know when our flight leaves" I asked

"Um I think in a few minutes" She said, I nodded.

"I can't wait to leave this horrible place" I said

"me too" She said, then her phone started ringing. 

"Its Harry, should I answer?" She asked, I nodded.

"Just tell him were leaving" I said, she nodded and walked away. 

Julia Pov

I hit answered, my heart was racing. I was so angry and sad, I hated that he was calling me. 

"Julia where are you!?!" He yelled, and he sounded like he was crying.

"Im at the airport" I answered

"Why!?!" He said

"Im leaving and harry I'm sorry I really never want to see you again" I said, I hung up the phone and the lady on the speaker called our flight. 

"Ready for a new life?" Liz asked me, I nodded and we walked into the plane. 

"Did I forget to tell you Im scared of plane?" I said, then Liz looked at me shocked. 

"Im just kidding" I said, then we started laughing. 

"Ugh Lou calling me" She said, and hit the end button. 

"Your going to have to face him sometime" I said

"Not today" She said, and then lady told us to put our seat belts on. 

"This is going to be a long ass flight" She said, I nodded. 

Harry Pov 

I messed up so much, I should have just said no when Liam asked me to do this stupid 'boys night out'.  I had to fix this, Julia and Liz are at the airport, I have no idea where Louie is. I pick up my phone and called him.

"Louie!" I screamed when I saw he answered

"Yes?" He asked

"Where are you!?!" I yelled into the phone.

"Im at liz house" He said, then I was confused…Liz is at the airport.

"Liz is at the airport" I said

"Wait what the fuck" He yelled

"I pick you up" I said, then hanging. 

I drove to Liz house, then I planing on hopefully finding out where there going.  I saw her brother on the phone, hopefully with Liz, so as I pulled up I called his name.

"James!" I yelled, he turned and waved. I motion him too come over too the car.

"Hey Harry how ya doing?" He asked, I smiled and shook his hand. 

"Im good, do you know where Julia and Liz went?" I asked

"yeah there going too England" He said, my jaw dropped. 

"Oh okay thanks man, see yeah soon" I said, then Louie snuck into my car while I talked too james. 

"See ya soon" He said, and I drove away. 

"Where are we going?" Louie asked me

"The airport, and were going to England to get our girls" I said, he nodded. 

"Im never going to win her back" Louie whispered 

"Were going to come up with a plan for both of us" I said, he nodded and just started to break down in the back seat. 

I just need to know Julia okay, she doesn't have to take me back because what I did was terrible…but Im in love with her. 

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