Chapter 24

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"Im glad there both happy now, Niall has Allie and Danielle has umm a guy" I said, then we walked into the gym. Its look gorgeous little fairy lights every  where, there were a few stars. 

"Its looks amazing!" Julia said, and we all agreed.

"Look there everyone" Louie said, then we began too walk over too Danielle, her date, niall, Allie, zayn, and Giselle.  

"Hi guys and you must be.." I said and then lookin at Danielle date, he smiled and stuck his hand out.

"I'm Luke" he said in a different accent. 

"Guys ready too party!" Louie screamed, then we all screamed yeah! Back and laughed. 

At the dance they played pretty good music, I can complain. Most of time it was the all is girls dancing and then the boys chillin at the table eating food.

"Come dance!" I said too Louie trying to drag him on the dance floor.

"I don't know how" he said, I laughed and pulled his arm. Then he shook his head and I gave him the puppy dog face. 

"Fine just becauses your so adorable when you do that face" he said and then we ran on the dance floor. Then slow music began too play.

"Can I have this dance?" He asked, I blushed. 

"Of course" I said then I saw everyone on the dance floor slow dancing. 

This was the perfected night, I couldn't ask for anything more. 

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