Chapter 26

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Hey Erika if your reading this I love you Blondie ur so adorable!!

okay anyways here's go noting


Julia pov 

"Harry, are you tired?" I asked he shook his head

"Same, lets do something" I said, then he sat up from the bed.

"Like what?" he asked, I shook my head

"I don't know" I answered then he began too kiss my neck. 

" I have an idea!" I screamed and pulled him out of the bed.

"Its 6:00 am what are you guys doing up?" Liz asked

"You finally woke up sleep talker" Harry said, I laughed. 

"Oh my gosh! I was sleep talking again!" She screamed, we started too laugh.

"Yeah louie had a whole conv with you" I said, then she smacked her head.

"Go back too sleep, me and harry are cooking" I said, then she went into Louie room and probably went too go cuddle with him.

"HARRY I DON'T KNOW HOW TOO COOK!" I said, he laughed and wrapped his arm around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. 

"Thats okay love, I teach you how too cook" He said, In his sexy morning voice. 

"lets get cooking" I said, he laughed.

"Your a werido" He said, taking out the eggs and milk from the fridge.

"Im your werido though" I said, he nodded and kissed my forehead. 

"Wait! what are we even making" I asked as he was pouring all this stuff in a bowl.

"Pancakes" he said, I smiled and then he slapped flour on one of my cheek.

"You did not just do that styles" I screamed chasing him around the kitchen. 

"What are you going too do huh?" he said, then I walked into the bathroom and got my straighter.

"You won't" He screamed

"Oh I would" I said and then Louie and Liz walked in.

"What the hell is going on!" Louie screamed

"Guys this isn't our house!" Liz said

Then Giselle and Zayn walked, Giselle face went to an O shape.

"Um guys, whatca doing?" She asked, I looked at Harry and he looked at me.

"Noting…." Harry said, then he picked me and threw me over his shoulder and ran out of the house.

"Woah Julia where are you going" Danielle screamed, I guess she went out with luke too get food. Lucky….

"She mine!" Harry screamed, I just laughed.

Danielle pov 

"Babe want to go see what everyone doing inside?" He asked, I nodded.

"Danielle what's wrong you seem upset"  he asked, I didn't realized he could tell I was upset.

"Noting" I said then he turned around.

"What's going on? Is it because of Allie and niall?" He asked, I slightly nodded. 

"Look I get it, he your x boyfriend and you will always have feelings for him but I love you" he said, then my heart stopped when he said those last 3 words

"I love you too Luke" I said, then he pulled me into a passion kiss. 

Maybe Im actually over Niall…maybe Im falling for Luke…

Liz Pov 

As Harry ran outside with Julia, I was laughing so much Louie had too help me off the floor.

"Did you see how scared Harry was" I mange too say without laughing.

"Your laugh so adorable" Zayn said, then I froze…

"Umm Zayn back off buddy, she mine" Louie said, holding me protective. 

"NO I didn't mean it like that!" he said putting his hand up in defense, Giselle rolled her eyes and began too clean the kitchen.

"Thats what I though" Louie said, walking into the living room.

"Giselle you need help?" I asked, she nodded. 

"Im sorry about Harry…he a bit of handful" I said, she laughed.

" I think this is going too be the best summer ever with everyone here" She said, I nodded. One house with 5 boys and 5 girls…. what else's could possible go wrong…..

Moments ( Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя