Chapter 3

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I walked downstairs too a note on the bathroom door.

"Hey baby sis I had too go to work early, so text me when your with Julia Xx"

I walked too my closet and pick out my high waisted white shorts with my floral light blue top and my white vans. I left my hair down natural and I walked out of the house.

Text Message:

Me: Hey Julia meet you at the bus stop okay?

Julia: Yep and some one else thursday ;)

Me: who and idk what my answer is yet...

I didn't know my answer I wanted too say yes, but then again its Louis Tomlinson were talking about here. He is a sweet and amazing guy but me and him didn't have the greatest pass. He was the joker of the school, so of course he always made fun of me, I didn't mind but then everyone started too make fun of me...thats why I can't trust Louis.

"Morning" Julia said, and then of course the one and only Louis Tomlinson was with her.

"Hey and oh hi louis" I said, I was just hoping he was looking for the answer now.

"Hello Anthony, So did you make your decision yet?" he asked me, but this time he didn't look too nerves.

"Hmm give me a little more time" I said, and Julia slapped me.

"Ouch! meanie!" I screamed, and presented too fake cry on her shoulder.

"Come on cry baby lets go on the bus" She said, I laughed. When we walked onto the bus it felt there was a million people on it.

"Um guy I think Im going too pass out like for real" Julia said, I looked at louis.

"Okay we will get off the next stop and walk too school" Louis said, she nodded. So we got off at the next stop, and Julia face was pail so I helped her walk.

"I'll call harry and tell him too pick us up" Louis said, as he dial harry number, I nodded. We walked too the train stop not too far from the last bus stop and waited there for Harry too pick us up.

"Get in" Harry said, when he finally arrived. So me and Julia got in first and then louis got in the front.

"Do you feel okay?" I asked Julia, she nodded.

"Good, and Louis" I said, as I stared into his blue eyes. HIs eyes were gorgeous but his personality wasn't the best.

"Yes" I said, he looked confused. "Yes, remember its a thursday?" I said. He turned too me and smiled.

"Looks like I will be seeing you on Friday Julia" Harry said, and I could see Julia blush.

"I guess so styles" She says, then we got too school and so many people gave me looks.

"Of course today going too be the worst day ever" I whisper too myself, then I saw Louis look at me, shit he must have heard me.

"What do you mean?" He asked me as we walked too my locker. I looked at him and kind of frowned. "Whats wrong?" he asked, I just sighed.

"Alright but don't make a big deal about okay?" I said, he nodded. "Alright well umm some people in the school kind of bully me...and yeah" I said, and then he look like he was getting mad, but I don't understand why...

"Are you serious!?! Are you okay? Liz you should have came too me" He said, I was in shock that Louis Tomlinson the one would basically started the bully against me, now wants too know if Im okay and that I should have gone too him.

"Okay, I let you know if they do anything" I said, grabbing the books out of my locker and Louis nodded.

"Ready too go to home room?" Julia asked me, I nodded and me Julia and Louis walked too homeroom.

"Woah! You walked too homeroom with louis what the hell going on!?! Did you say yes!?!" Danielle asked me, I laughed.

"We'll.." I said, and she stared at me I was about to start dying of laughter.

"I said....hmm" I said

" tell me already!!!" She yelled and then everyone looked at her.

"I said yes" then she started dancing...only Danielle would start dancing in the middle of homeroom.

"oh my gosh I'm so happy for you!!" She screamed, I just laughed because she making a fool out of herself.

"Stop! Everyone looking" Julia said, I just continue too laugh and then some kid name zayn came up to my desk.

"So I heard you and Tomlinson are going on a date?" He asked, I nodded. "Your such a loser he going out with you because of a bet, you should think about that when he try's to kiss you" he said, I just rolled my eyes.

"Don't believe him, he prob lying" Julia said and Danielle nodded. I just felt so used because it probably was a bet, I should have know louis doesn't care about me. I was just so upset I ran out of homeroom.

"Liz!" I heard someone screamed,

It was either Danielle or Julia. Then I quickly ran into the bathroom and broke down. I honestly shouldn't be crying over him but I am because I just felt so used.

"Liz? Are you okay?" Harry asked me. It was really strange because Harry styles, popular boy was in a girl bathroom.

"Harry? What are you doing in the girl bathroom?" I asked him, I could see him laugh alittle when I said that last part.

"Well I saw my best friend girl crying so I wanted too make sure you were okay" he said, and I cry alittle more.

"Harry..I'm not his girl, zayn told me

Everything.." I said and Harry looked at me weirdly.

"What did he tell you?" He asked me.

"He told me about your little bet, the game over Harry. He told me how you guys made a bet on me and that I should think about it when he try's to kiss me" I said and then Harry looked mad.

"Listen too me, I never seen anyone so crazy inlove with a girl in my whole life. He been inlove with you since freshmen when he first saw you walk in the door" Harry said, I would love too believe him but I'm hearing so many stories.

"Wow, um I need too get some air" I said before walking back too homeroom.

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