why you break up.

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thor odinson,
thor and you broke up because of the way he was raised, everyone knew asgard was sexist, and that definitely affected thor, you couldn't handle it anymore, and after you realised this; you left the next time he said anything sexist.

tony stark,
over drinking, over partying, cheating, tony was a night owl and you were not, a match made to fall apart, after a drunk tony came home spelling of cheap perfume you held in your tears and packed your bag.

steve rogers,
steve and you loved eachother, more than anything in the world, and maybe that was the problem, steve was over protective, he wouldn't let you go alone to missions and wouldn't let you do anything too dangerous, so it ended.

loki laufeyson,
it was mostly the same as thor, except, loki was judgy, he hated earth, he insulted it and it's people everywhere you went with him, insisting that apart from you, earth was the worst planet out there, you couldn't take his constant complaining and asked him to leave.

bruce banner,
bruce left you, you wanted a family, you wanted kids and a dog and a pretty little house with a big garden and a picket fence, and bruce knew that couldn't happen, so he kissed you and said goodbye.

clint barton,
it was the jealousy, you knew clint and nat were knowing, but did you really? the constant questioning ruined eachothers company and eventually you both decided it wasn't working, you needed trust it a relationship and you just couldn't.

pietro maximoff,
the flirting, the constant flirting with every girl he met, right in front of you, waitresses, bar keepers everyone, you couldn't take it, so whenever he came home at 4am trying to convince you he was just training you knew it wasn't right. you screamed back at eachother for a solid hour before you throwing his stuff at him and telling him to get the fuck out and not come back.

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