"Stop it, I can see you trying to figure out a way to escape. Just let me explain." He says.

"I think what I just saw explained everything!" I yell at him. Adrenaline coursing through my veins as I edge closer to the balcony.

"DO. NOT. YELL. AT. ME." Ron growled. I honestly don't give a shit, I am his mate and he had the nerve to fuck another woman.

"You have no right to be angry with me! You just fucked Alexandra!" I shout, he starts to walk towards me and I throw open the door to the balcony and jump off. I land on the ground, rolling to prevent any injuries. I don't waist a second, knowing that he's coming after me. I tried to shift so I can run faster but a sharp pain greeted me instead. I know my wolf's hurting but I have to shift! If I don't I'll have to revert to vampire speed, which I know for a fact won't keep me going for as long as I need to. He's going to catch me damn it!

"God fucking damn it." I mumble. I stop for one second to catch my breath. But instead I'm tackled from behind and held down by a large wolf. Presumably Ron, because who else could it be?

"Get off of me!" I yell, he just growls back in response. He steps away from me and I watch as he walks over to a tree. I hear his bones clicking into place as he shifts back into human form. I stand up and try running but a loud growl makes me stop in my tracks. I look over my shoulder and see a partially dressed Ron. With nothing but pants on, he walks up to me. I try to come up with a way I can get out of this, but I have almost zero options...

"We're going back so I can explain everything." He said with anger laced in his words.

"No, if you need to explain something to me. It's gonna be right here." I argue. Next thing I know he's thrown me over his fucking shoulder.

"Talk and I drop you." He growls, I guess unless I want to be dropped on my head I should keep quiet. I sigh out of frustration. Soon we make it back and of course, I am not put down. He kept me over his shoulder even as he walked past pack members who then in turn start wondering why the soon to be Luna is hanging over the Alpha's shoulder. Once we get to our room he locks all of the doors and doesn't put me down until he is sure there is no possible way for me to escape. I am then thrown onto the bed. I sit up and he watches me get into a comfy position.

"Alright, explain." I say annoyed.

"I didn't want a mate at first. But I also knew that my pack would need a Luna. So I looked at available women in the pack around my age who would fit the title. I picked Alexandra. She had the qualities of a Luna and was a good fuck to put it bluntly." He explained, I felt a pain in my chest when he said he didn't want a mate, my wolf howled with anger.

"She's great with kids, she's one of the best warriors, she is good at commanding, she can talk down a rouge, and more that I found were good qualities of a Luna. So I told her my idea and she understood completely. She and I never mated or made a promise to mate. She also promised me that if I did decide to go through with the plan then she would cooperate fully. Of course I did say that if I did happen to find my mate before I put the plan in motion, I would  destroy the plan and she would never tell a soul about it or she would suffer extreme torture and death." He continued on.

"Then a few months after I had discussed it with her the Alpha Meeting came up and I said that if I found my mate there or on my way or back, the plan would be null and void. For the sake of my sanity if you ever to question me about it, yes, I did have sex with her during that time period of the making of the plan and up until the Alpha Meeting. Have I lost you anywhere?" He questioned, I shook my head slightly. He cleared his throat to continue.

"As you know I found you a few days before the meeting, I had not told her until today in my office. That's when things went down hill. She didn't accept it, no, she refused to accept it. I reminded her of the contract and even pulled out the form that had her signature on it as well as mine. She merely threw it in the fireplace. Eventually, she finally said she would accept it and welcome her Luna with open arms only if we fucked one last time. I felt it was a good-ish deal and didn't feel like arguing with her over it so I agreed and the rest of it you know." He said it all so seriously that I had to wonder. What happened to the Ron I met at home?

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