Chapter 35- The Purfect Moment

Start from the beginning

“Hey hey, shh.” Katy whispered as she began to one again stroke my hand comfortingly. 

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, “I went out for lunch with Oliver didn’t I?” 

“The next day, yeah.” 

“Well, we were talking about it and he told me that sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, clearly knowing that I hadn’t meant to hurt you that night.” 

Katy was slowly nodding her head as she followed my words, “Okay, I understand that.” 

“What he said kind of stuck in my head, the whole ’sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind’ thing. Anyway, I thought that if I was cruel to you, it would be me being kind to you, because eventually you would grow to hate me and then I wouldn’t ever be able to hurt you again like I did.” I admitted. 

Her mouth opened a little bit, I knew she got my plan. 

“That’s why you argued with me when you came home, those things you said to me… you wanted me to hate you?” The last couple words came out in a bit of a laugh. 

Katy laughed, just like Oliver did when I had told him. 

“I didn’t want you to hate me, I guess I felt it was just something I needed to do.” 

She shook her head, “Oh Sammie.” 

Katy engulfed me in a tight hug, laughing lightly into my hair. I felt better that this conversation had gone down without an argument. 

“Sammie you’re such an…” Katy stopped mid-sentence. 

“Idiot?” I finished off what she was going to say, giggling a little bit. “I told you.” 

I pulled back and looked up at her, she was smirking down at me but that look had returned. That amazing look. The look I thought I would never see again.

“I could never hate you darling, not ever.” 

I sighed at how ridiculous I had been. This whole thing had just been completely stupid, but then it got taken so out of hand by the both of us. 

“I know that, I should have known that then. And as if I thought I could live with you hating me! These past three weeks we’ve barely spoken or anything and look how that changed me.” 

“It’s been the same for me. I couldn’t concentrate at work, everyone knew something was up.” 

“I’m sorry Katy.” 

Katy cupped my face with her hands, “Me too baby.” 

“I love you so much.” 

“And I love you too.” 

We hugged it out for about the next twenty minutes. My head on Katy’s shoulder as we laid together on the couch. I missed this so much. 

As we just laid there, I thought to myself about mine and Katy’s relationship and the things she’d told me a couple of weeks ago. I told her she wasn’t there for me, but she hit back and listed just a few of many things she’d done for me. So basically, she did raise me. 

I remember me and Katy doing everything together. A couple of years ago, when she was married to Russell, they both took me with them to London. We had lunch with Barbra, that’s Russell’s mom, and I guess it was like we were all a family. That was before I even knew the secret. I got along with Russell’s mom quite well actually, I wonder if she knew who I really was. 


She was gently running her fingers through my hair. 


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