Solengleo: Baking kisses

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over Camp Half-Blood, Will Solace found himself standing in the Apollo cabin, surrounded by the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods. It was Hazel's birthday, and he was determined to make it a memorable one. With a mischievous grin, he glanced at the ingredients spread out on the counter, ready to be transformed into a delectable cake.

Just as he was about to start, a familiar voice called out from outside the cabin. "Will, are you in there?"

Recognizing the voice, Will's grin widened as he replied, "I'm in here, Nico." Moments later, the son of Hades stepped into the cabin, his dark clothing contrasting with the warm, golden hues of the interior.

"Hey, Nico," Will greeted, offering a wave. "I've got everything ready for Hazel's cake."

Nico nodded, his expression serious yet softening at the sight of Will's enthusiasm. "Thanks for the help, Will. I owe you," he said, his voice tinged with gratitude.

With a dismissive wave, Will chuckled. "Oh, no need for that," he replied, his smile infectious. "So, let's get started." He grabbed a mixing bowl, excitement bubbling within him.

As they worked together, measuring ingredients and mixing batter, a comfortable silence settled between them. Will found himself stealing glances at Nico, admiring the way his focused expression softened when he was lost in thought.

"First, we need to add the flour, the sugar, and the baking soda," Will read aloud from the recipe book, breaking the silence.

Nico nodded, his gaze fixed on the ingredients. "Then you add the butter mel—" Before he could finish, Will found himself interrupted by a sudden cloud of flour to the face.

"Nico, I'm going to get you for that!" Will exclaimed, his laughter ringing through the cabin as he retaliated by tossing caster sugar at Nico.

And just like that, a playful food fight erupted, filling the air with laughter and joy. Eggs, flour, and sugar flew across the kitchen as they playfully teased each other, enjoying the carefree moment amidst their responsibilities as demigods.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Will scooped up a handful of frosting he had prepared earlier, intent on getting Nico back. But as he moved closer, disaster struck—he slipped on a stray egg, his heart racing as he braced for impact.

To his surprise, strong arms wrapped around him, preventing him from falling. Blinking in astonishment, Will found himself staring into Nico's dark eyes, a rush of warmth spreading through him.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as they gazed at each other, their breaths mingling in the quiet of the cabin. And then, almost as if drawn by an invisible force, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss.

But before they could deepen the embrace, a hesitant voice broke the spell. "Uhh... umm... I'm sorry for, um, interrupting."

Startled, Will and Nico pulled away, their cheeks flushing crimson as they turned to see Jason standing awkwardly at the doorway.

"Umm... Jason," Will stammered, struggling to find his composure.

"What happened, Jason?" Nico asked, his embarrassment evident.

"Umm... Nico, Hazel wants to speak to you, so she sent me to call you," Jason explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Umm... I'm gonna go," Jason added hastily, practically bolting out of the cabin.

As the awkwardness lingered in the air, Will cleared his throat, his gaze shifting to Nico. "Um... Nico, I think you should go to Hazel. She might need something," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"We'll finish the cake later," Will added, turning away to hide his discomfort.

But before he could retreat any further, Nico's hand closed around his, pulling him back with a gentle tug. Will's heart skipped a beat as he met Nico's gaze, his breath catching in his throat.

"Will, I'll see you later," Nico said softly, a blush tinting his cheeks as he turned to leave.

"Nico, wait," Will called out, his voice barely audible. Closing the distance between them, he reached out and cupped Nico's face in his hands, his heart pounding in his chest.

With a trembling breath, Will leaned in, capturing Nico's lips in a lingering kiss. And as they broke apart, their eyes met, sharing a silent promise of something more.

With a shy smile, Nico turned and left the cabin, leaving Will standing there, his heart soaring with newfound hope.

"I'm so in love," Will whispered to himself, his smile widening as he began to clean up the kitchen, his thoughts filled with visions of a future filled with endless possibilities alongside the one he loved.

:::::::::::::::::THE END::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

EDITED: 5/4/24


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