Percabeth: Saving Pancakes and Babies

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Years had passed since the wars had ended, and life had settled into a peaceful rhythm for Percy and Annabeth. They had both graduated from college in New Rome, their days of battling monsters and facing down ancient evils now behind them. Instead, they found themselves navigating the complexities of adulthood, their days filled with work, chores, and the occasional monster sighting that they dispatched with ease.

Annabeth lounged on the couch in their small Manhattan apartment, her hand tenderly cradling her six-month pregnant stomach. The morning sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. She couldn't help but smile at the life growing inside her, a miracle she and Percy had created together.

"Percy!" Annabeth's delighted voice filled the room, her eyes alight with joy as she felt a flutter against her palm, her other hand instinctively cradling her belly.

In a flash, Percy emerged from the kitchen with a spatula in hand and an apron adorned with cartoon sea creatures tied around his waist. "What's going on? Is everything okay?" His voice was laced with concern, his sea-green eyes scanning Annabeth's face for any sign of distress.

Annabeth couldn't suppress a giggle at his worried expression. "Percy, relax. It's just our little one saying hello," she reassured him, her smile radiant as she watched his features soften with relief.

Percy let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing as he joined Annabeth on the couch, his hand finding hers instinctively. "You know, Wise Girl, you really know how to give me a scare," he teased, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

Annabeth rolled her eyes affectionately, leaning into his side. "Oh, please. You're the one who jumps at every little noise."

Percy's grin widened, his fingers tracing soothing circles on her hand. "Hey, I'm just being protective. It's my job as the dad-to-be, right?"

Annabeth chuckled, leaning up to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "Yes, yes, very noble of you, Seaweed Brain."

Their playful banter was interrupted by another movement from their unborn child, prompting a delighted gasp from Annabeth. "Looks like our little swimmer is quite the acrobat."

Percy's eyes sparkled with amusement as he placed a hand on Annabeth's belly, feeling the gentle kicks beneath his palm. "I guess they're taking after their dad. I was quite the troublemaker back in the day."

Annabeth raised an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on her lips. "Back in the day? You mean you've stopped causing trouble now?"

Percy feigned offence, placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Hey now, I'll have you know I've turned over a new leaf. I'm a responsible adult now."

Annabeth laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "Sure, sure. If you say so, Seaweed Brain."

Percy grinned, his gaze softening as he leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. "I think they take after their mom. Always ready for an adventure."

Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully, but the affection in her gaze was unmistakable. "Well, they certainly didn't get their sense of humor from you."

Percy feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm hilarious. Just ask Tyson."

Annabeth laughed, sinking into Percy's embrace, finding solace in their shared affection. Despite the unknowns ahead, their bond remained steadfast, a sign of certainty in a changing world. Time had flown since the wars, both now New Rome graduates, charting their course beyond battles and prophecies.

In the quiet of their togetherness, they envisioned a future filled with love and laughter, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their little one. Each shared dream painted a picture of their family's journey, brimming with promise and possibility. 

Just then, a faint aroma of burning pancakes wafted into the room, and Percy's eyes widened in alarm. "Oh gods, the pancakes!"

Annabeth burst into laughter, swatting him playfully. "Go save breakfast, hero. I'll be right here."

With a grin, Percy darted back into the kitchen, leaving Annabeth to bask in the warmth of their home and the love that filled it. As she watched him, she couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude for the life they had built together—a life filled with love, laughter, and the promise of endless adventures yet to come.

-------THE END------------

NEW EDIT 5/4/2024 

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