jiper:meeting the dad;(part one)

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Jason and i were going to cali to meet my dad,its been so long.

jason on the other hand is very jittery since we landed in cali.

My dad said that there would be a car waiting for us at the airport for us, we are looking for the car.we just exited,i was snuggling into Jason's side,he had his arm around me,just perfect,but jason looked scared and jittery.

There it is,i can see richard,my dad's driver.i wave out to him"richard!!!"i say as i run towards him getting out of jason's embrace and ran and hugged him.

"hey richard long time" i say to him

"yes it is ms.piper"he said with a smile with his British accent,as he took my shoulder and bag and shook Jason's hand.

"jase are you okay"i ask as i hug him

"yea,im fine,just dont really know how your dad will react when he meets me"i says worried

i put my hand on his cheeks and bend his head down so we could look eye to eye and said,"jase i dont care what my dad thinks about you,i love you and nobody can change that you understand?"

Jason's face lifted a bit in my hands and smiled and said,"i love you to" he said and kissed me and i kissed him back.

but was interrupted by a cough that came from the car backseat window behind us.

we turned around and saw my dad,i smiled and screamed"dad,its been so long,i didn't know you were there"


shit piper dad and the first thing he saw was me snogging his daughter,crap.

piper opened the door and hugged her dad and got in the car,i gave my bag to Richard,

"Jason come and sit in" i heard piper from the car

"yea,coming pipes"i replied and ran to the door and sat in.and saw piper's dad Tristan McLean,he looks just as great in movie as in real life.

"hello sir" i say as i sit in the car next to piper,as she leaves her dad's hug and snuggles against me and i put my arm around her and pull her close

"nice to meet you to jason,piper has told me a lot about you" he says as he puts his hand out and i shake it

"piper talks about you to a lot" i say with a smile and hug piper tight.

"dad how long do we take to reach home" piper asks

"around 30 minutes, we will reach there soon"pipers dad says

"piper go to sleep you haven't slept for hours"i say and lightly pull piper's head towards my chest and kiss her head.

"fine,just because you say"she says and sleeps on my chest.


i wasn't sure about jason,but he really cares for piper and loves her and i know that he will keep her happy.

we reached the house and jason wakes up piper with so much care and love.

-----------------------------to be continued-------------

hoped u like

This will be a three part story


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