"Hi Jaz!" She says to me immediately. Her dressing style had not changed since the last time I saw her, crop tops and tipped jeans. Her hair was straightened and put into a sleek ponytail and a fringe framing the side of her face. The fringe often got stuck in her super long lashes that I was always worried as to how she could see. Long false lashes are beautiful sometimes but to wear them the way Brittany wore them was a big no. She had extra glossy lips that I sometimes thought a boat could easily and nicely sail through,at how much liquid was squeezed onto her lips. Then don't get me started on the extra long nails that she couldn't even use to complete chores with. High heels that were probably painful to the ends and to top it off, a handbag that had pretty much nothing in. She was exactly the same.

"Jasmine. Not Jaz." I say to her.

"Do you remember me?"

"How could anyone forget you Brittany?"

"Oh, good good. I though you might have forgotten me seeing as we haven't had any contact in so long! Oh God, Jaz, I've missed you so much! We were like so close in college right?" She says putting her arm on my shoulder in like such a friendly way. But I know for sure that she's just faking it.

"I guess." I reply.

"Apparently you're engaged to Harry Styles? I had no idea. This is the type of news you tell people, Jasmine!" She says with a smile. "Is it too early to say that I knew you before you were famous?"

"Yeah." I say with a tight-lipped smile. "Yeah, I'm engaged to him."

"Well then how did you find him?"

"Childhood friendship. If you weren't so focused on how many people liked you, you probably would have been one of the first people to know about this." I forcefully smile at her, before breaking it and sighing. "Look, Brittany, What are you actually here for? I have stuff to do and things to get back to."

"I was wondering we could hang out?" She said.

"Don't tell me you're being serious?!" I said incredulously but she just looked at me. "Brittany, don't you ever come back here again and not for stupid reasons like you just made."

She sighs, knowing that she won't be able to convince me and turns to go but then turns back to face me.

"You know what? Harry would never like you. In fact he will hate you to bits. You have so many deep dark secrets; you're so complicated - you and I both know that. You're so not his type and I'm just waiting for you to wake up fro-"

"Hold on." I hear someone's voice all of a sudden so I turn around and I see Harry. He walks forward towards me and wraps his arm round me. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are but you have no right to speak to her like that." Harry said. "I was the one who proposed to Jasmine, I chose to be with her right? And being Jasmine's fiancé, I know that we will 'work out'. So of course she is my type. She's very much my type and you don't get to judge who she should be allowed to be with and who not or who would love her or who wouldn't." He says before trying to end what he was saying. "I would be so grateful if you were a bit more respective towards us."

"You know the exit." I say to her and she, disappointed, turns around to walk away. I close the door behind her.


The viewings to both had gone amazing and our parents said that it was such a tough call between the two but finally agreed on the castle and I was so glad. It was going to be like a fairytale. Whilst I was glad it was my wedding that was there, I also wished it wasn't because I would have loved to just walk around freely and explore the entire place like a guest can. But I was more so glad. I wasn't getting my dream man but I was definitely getting a dream destination.

"Jasmine? Come on!" I hear Alex from outside my room. Currently we were going to drop Harry off to the airport. Harry had told us that his management had arranged for paparazzi to be there and he asked if I wanted to come. But confusion got the better of me and I left the decision in the hands of others and Alex just said that he'd come along with me and we should just go and so that's what I was currently getting ready for.

"Coming." I reply as I take my coat from my wardrobe and wear it quickly, taking my purse from my bed. I speed walk out of my room, switching the light off and I notice Alex stood midway of the stairs, waiting for me. I walk quickly down the stairs and Alex goes down as well to see everyone saying goodbye to Harry and wishing him good luck for his tour.

Once all the farewells are over, Harry, Alex and I begin to walk outside to the front yard but we're stopped by a certain 2 year old girl.

"Amy like Uncle Harry!" She says to Alex and we all laugh as she complains that she doesn't want Harry to go. With a smile on his face, Harry picks her up. 

"Harry loves Amy too! I'm going to miss you little princess!" Harry gives Amy a kiss on her cheek.

We watch as Amy and Harry talk to one another for a while until Harry says that he has to leave now since he'll get late and so with that, we make our way to the car in the front yard.

Alex puts his keys in the car and opens the door for me to get in. Harry and Alex sit in the front of the car whilst I sit at the back, listening in on their conversation for a while as a figured that the two were quite close but I soon got bored and spent my time talking to Hannah via text to keep myself busy.

By the time we get to the airport, Harry gets out of the car and then gets my door. I take his bag from beside me before getting out and I pass the bag to him before we all walk up to the building.

When we get to the departures gate, Alex and Harry share a brotherly embrace.

"Are you going on your own?" Alex asks.

"No, my bandmate, Niall, he's either in the lounge or in the plane." Harry replies.

"Okay." Alex nods. "Enjoy the tour mate."

"Thanks. I'll see you in a month and a bit, I guess." Harry smiles.

"Take care, yeah?" Harry clears his throat as he turns to me once Alex moves back for a while.

"Yeah." I tell him as he comes and hugs me and I hug him back.

"Remember that when there are paparazzi, you've got to keep your head down and not answer at all. Oh and, remember you can text or call me anytime as well." He winks causing us to laugh when we break away from the hug and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Sure. Amy will probably be bugging me constantly to ring you though. She's taken a liking towards you."

"I'm glad cuz I have too." He grins and all of a sudden, an airport assistant comes over to Harry.

"Mr Styles, your friend is in the lounge. We must begin to board now." She says in a strong Australian accent, stronger than mine.

"Okay." Harry says to her. "Bye Jasmine." He looks at me, hugging me once more.

"Bye Harry." I smile. "Enjoy your tour."

"Alex bro, bye!" Harry calls out to my brother and Alex comes over to us again, shakes his hands and then Harry turns to go away, fixing his bag properly on his shoulder.

"You alright?" Alex asks me as we walk to the car after a while when we walk through and past a bunch of people with cameras.

"Yeah." I nodded my head just as we get to his car and we both get inside quickly before Alex drives us off home where Amy was still wide awake, playing with her toys.

"Amy? You were supposed to sleep by now love." Alex said to her as we took a seat.

"Amy want daddy."

"Will Amy sleep in daddy's arms?" Alex asks with a soft smile and I smile when I see her shake her head but sitting in his lap. Alex as a dad is something worth seeing. He's amazing.

Not only as a father but also as my brother.

Please vote, comment! Hope you guys liked the chapter!

Irmina xx

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