Chapter 25: It turns out Owl Saliva doesn't wash out.

Start from the beginning

"Thats the exact same thing Takara said to me so long ago..." Chirika paused to blink. "You must really be her student then. I only knew Chikako." (I only now realize how close their names are.)

"So you believe me?" I inquired sheathing Nadare. "Will you take me on as the official summoner?"

"Yes to both. From now on your my official summoner, and you'll refer to me as Chirika-sama." She sat me down on the ground before continuing. "Typically, with the summoning contract you have one specific one to summon. Usually, it's the first one you summon, but since I was Moe's partner I can't be yours."

"Partner?" I questioned really curious. I glanced behind me seeing Jiraiya-sensei and Naruto leaving. They probably trusted me to handle this on my own.

"Yeah. I know! My Grandchild, it's perfect." The owl started to laugh. It wasn't a normal laugh. It was that kind of laugh that wasn't to be trusted, A laugh that meant trouble.

"Um... Grandchild?"

"Yes, grandchild." She laughed once more before a puff of smoke appeared right in front of me.

As the smoke cleared, I could see a roundish figure. It wasn't a sphere and I could see it was white. It's... And egg! About the size of house cat.

"A-a-an Egg!?" I exclaimed surprised.

"I'm entrusting it to you, so you better take good care of it!" Chirika chirped disappearing before I could protest.

I sighed loudly, before bending over. I took my scarf from my neck and gently wrapped it around the egg. Then I slowly started walking back to the village.


"Himawari!!!" I heard in the distance behind me.

I turned around to see who was calling me, but with all the people in the way I couldn't tell. I walked to the side of the rode to try to lead whoever it was out crowd.

"Himawari!" A different voice yelled.

I could see two people heading towards me, Ino and Sakura. They looked out of breath as if they had been running for a long period of time.

"Hima, we have been looking for you for hours!" Sakura shouted.

"Where have you been all day, and what are you holding?" Ino asked eyeing the egg I was holding carefully.

"One. Why have you been looking for me?" I asked in return to Sakura. "Two. I have been training. Three it's an egg."

"An egg? Why do-" Ino started to ask before getting cut off by Sakura.

"Nevermind that! Have you asked anybody to the festival tomorrow?" Sakura questioned ecstatically.

"Festival?" I inquired honestly surprised. I hadn't heard anything about it before now.

"Yeah! The fireworks festival is tomorrow. Of course, I'm going with Sasuke-kun!" Ino swooned making me roll my eyes.

"No way! I'm going with Sasuke-kun!" Sakura argued.

They glared at each other for a few seconds before turning their eyes towards me.

"So who are you going with!?" They shouted. "Shikamaru right!"

"W-what?" I stuttered immediately getting flustered. "I only j-just now heard of it. H-how could I already have a date?"

"Then we need to set you two up!" Ino grinned obviously proud of herself.

"They'd make such a cute couple!" Sakura agreed putting her hand on my shoulder. She quickly yanked it away. "What is that!?"

"Owl saliva..." I responded slowly watching her frantically trying to rub it off.

"Eww!" Ino yelled disgusted. "You can't ask out a boy covered in saliva!"

"I had no intention of asking out anybody!" I shouted back. By now I was pretty irritated.

"Those clothes are definitely ruined, so just throw them in the incinerator." Ino just laughed making sure I didn't touch her. "Come meet Sakura and I tomorrow morning!"

As they walked away, I only just now realized how bad it really was. I stunk, and Ino was right, this isn't going to wash out.

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