Can We Help You? - Chapter Two

Start from the beginning

We stepped out the dorm building and into the cool night air. It was the middle of September so it wasn't that cold outside, yet it still wasn't that warm either. It's not like I need a coat or anything, which was good because I knew that once I started dancing tonight, I would get too hot, take it off, put it somewhere and lose it.

Whitney was right, it was only a two minute walk and when we arrived there was many students drinking, dancing and basically having a good time and not caring about anything. It seemed like everyone mingled with everyone, not categorising friendship groups. Maybe I will fit in better here.

We walked up the steps, stepping into the house, being immediately hit with the smell of alcohol, sweat and smoke. Not the best smells in the world, right?

"Let's go get something to drink." Whitney shouted above the loud music blaring in our ears.

I nodded my head, following Whitney in a room filled with more alcohol than a 'Bargin Boozer'.

As we were walking around the building trying to find where all of the alcohol was, I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder around each room; taking in the different friendship groups. When we entered the main room, my eyes instantly landed on a certain group of boys.

There was a funny twist in my stomach when I took in their appearances, instantly letting me know these boys were trouble. Each of the boys had tattoos littering their arms and exposed collar bones; piercings adorning their youthful faces. They each had a cigarette placed in between their lips, making a cloud form around their small group as they exhaled.

I couldn't help but stare at them, they intrigued me. I knew there was a chance that one of them could catch me staring and I would probably end up humiliated in front of everyone. They just seemed like the type to do something like that. As if feeling my gaze set on them, the one with his back to me turned around, instantly locking his eyes with mine. His hair was styled perfectly into a quiff and every time a strobe light flashed towards his face, I could see the shine of his lip ring.

A smirk quickly made its way onto his face, eyebrows raising in a questioning manor. I knew he was wondering why I was staring, but in all honesty I didn't know the answer.

I quickly turned back around to face Whitney, trying to ignore the stare of quite possibly one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen. Whitney handed me a cup filled with something brown, most likely vodka and coke. I took a huge gulp, then another, letting the alcohol burn my throat.

"Woah there, missy. Don't get drunk already. Slow down a bit." Whitney said, placing her hand on my arm to stop me taking another gulp. I needed something to get rid of this nervous feeling I suddenly had.

I didn't have time to respond as the four guys from before were in front of us, innocent smiles adorning their faces. I had to admit they were rather gorgeous, there was no denying it. It didn't help that I had a thing for boys with piercings and tattoos. The typical 'bad boy' look is what attracted me. So I was defiantly screwed with these guys.

"Can we help you?" Whitney sassed, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side. She was always the more confident of us two, never the one to hold back her thoughts.

"Well maybe not you, but I think your friend might have something she wants to say?" The boy with black hair hinted, cocking his eyebrow up at me. He had a septum piercing and one arm was covered in tattoos, whereas the other had a few placed randomly. His lips were perfectly plumps as his lips moved, letting out an unmissable lisp. I was almost drooling over his defined jawline, sharp enough to cut the tension that had just formed between us.

"Um, I-I don't know what you mean?" I stumbled over my words.

"We saw you staring at us, so either you think we're hot," he smirked "or you were judging us, which just doesn't sit well with us, princess."

I blushed and looked away. I think I may have given it away. Nobody could deny that these lads were hot, me included. My reaction was clear enough to show which one of the two statements was correct and I was even more embarrassed at that.

"Ah, so you think were hot." It Wasn't a question of reassurance; it was more of a statement.

I looked up to see all of them with grins on their faces, except the quiffed blonde one, who had his jaw clenched and looked a little annoyed. I wonder why? Now that he was closer to me I had a better view of his lip ring in his bottom lip, which was extremely hot. As if on queue, he bit his lip making my insides churn. I couldn't seem to move my gaze from this perfectly formed lips, his bottom lip tucked frustratedly between his teeth. My eyes moved away from his lips when I saw the corners slowly curling up into a sly grin.

I couldn't make any words come out of my mouth, so I just stood there with my mouth opening and closing like a fish.

I focused on anything other than the attractive blonde in front of me, which happened to be the people stood next to him. The two other boys also had piercing and tattoos, maybe it was like a clique thing. The one with black spiky hair, sticking in all different directions, had his eyebrow pierced and snake bites. One arm was covered in tattoos, the other had three rings going around his bicep and forearm, with a weird thing in between. The other, who had curly blondish-brownish hair, had a nose ring and both his arms littered with tattoos, just like the blonde.

"Come on lads." The one with blonde quiffed hair huffed, walking away; the other three following behind like ducklings following their mother.

I stood staring at the spot that they once stood in, feeling like a right dickhead for not saying more; for not making myself seem like a freak. I was just glad I was never going to see them again. Hopefully.

A/N: Hey guys! I promise it will get better soon. Just stick with me please.

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