Chapter 34- Headmaster's Office.

Start from the beginning

The very faint splatter noise made me realise that I had tears dripping down my cheeks. They were hanging on my chin for a couple of seconds, before dropping down onto the crisp white piece of paper underneath me, leaving a dark circle patch in their place. I quickly wiped them from underneath my eyes and looked up, making awkward eye contact with my English teacher, Mrs Howdern.

She balanced her glasses on the tip of her nose, “Is there a problem Sammie?” 

“No, Miss.” 

She slowly got up from her desk and walked over to me with pouted lips. I attempted to cover my empty sheet with my arm, but she lifted her head and noticed my lack of work. 

“And where is your work?” 

I looked down, trying to think of an excuse, but what was the point? She wasn’t going to listen to any excuses I made, and frankly, I don’t think having an excuse would get me into any less trouble. I could really see this being a repeat of yesterday’s science lesson. 

“I haven’t done any.” 

My teacher folded her arms and tapped her foot, waiting for an explanation. 

“I um, couldn’t think of what to write.” 

“I gave you a full sheet on it yesterday, telling you to study tonight because you would be assessed in today’s lesson. So you haven’t done your homework?” 

Oh my god. I hadn’t even been paying attention in last lesson to know what I had to do. I didn’t even know the subject, never mind the information to put into it. 

“No Miss.” 

“Is that all you can say? No.” 

I huffed, “What else do you want me to say? Would you rather me make up some pathetic lie about why I’ve not done it or something?” I practically yelled. 

Well done Samantha. Getting yourself into even deeper trouble here. I just couldn’t help myself. It seemed I was taking my anger out on other people around me, the slightest thing was getting me annoyed. Everything and everyone around me was just getting the backlash of my problems at home. 

“Samantha Hudson, lower your voice in my classroom please. And an apology would have been nice. I’ll be writing you an after school detention young lady.” 

“For what? Aren’t I being punished enough having to sit through your lessons six times a week?” I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, not meaning to say that out loud. 

“For answering me back and being extremely rude! If you do not like my lessons, then why do you attend my lessons?” Her posh accent was very irritating. Sometimes she even went as far as put on a slight English accent, just to make herself feel like some sort of royalty to the school I think. 

I snorted impolitely at my middle aged teacher, “I attend your lessons because it’s the law.” 

“Right, stand up right now!” 

I picked up my bag and stood up in my seat. I was now the same height as my teacher. For the first time I was actually the same size as someone, Mrs Howdern was really small too. I wasn’t too keen on the teacher to be quite honest, she seemed snotty and rather up herself, but never would I have spoken to her the way I have done today. This isn’t me at all. 

Could this month get any worse?

“Mr Collinson’s office now.” 

I guess the answer to that question was yes.

I gulped. I had never been sent to the head teacher’s office for anything other than something good in my life. This, was not good. And another thing, Katy was going to murder me.  

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