Once I finished Louis hands me his phone. I look at him questionably.

"What's this for?" I say puzzled.

Louis rolls his eyes "Phone him on my phone, then he won't know it's you and he'll answer it" I smirk at his plan and quickly dial his number. Luckily he answers this time after the third ring.

"Louis?" Harry says loudly.

"Hi Harry," I say resentfully.

"Cheri...?" he says perplexed.

" Where did you take Lily, Harry?" I say angrily, he can't just run off with Lily and not tell me where they're going.

"You don't need to worry, I'll have her back by this evening" he says smoothly.

My eyebrows scrunch up in frustration and listen to the background noise.

I can hear lots of voices and possibly music?

Where could he have possibly taken her? There weren't many places near that you could take a two year old to.

"Harry please tell me?" I beg, I'm not really used to other people looking after Lily. I hear Harry sigh on the other side of the line and for a second I think he's going to give in but then he decides otherwise.

"She's fine, okay? We'll be back later" then he hangs up.

I grit my teeth in annoyance, and quickly try to redial the number but he ignores the number. Throwing the phone down on the sofa, I stalk into the kitchen to find Louis.

"He cut off," I grumble.

Louis gets his car keys off the counter and grabs my hand.

"We can look around if you want, he can't of gone too far" I nod and smile at his kindness. We quickly get into Louis's car and we begin to drive.

"If I was Harry, where would I go...?" he mutters.

We drive past the local park and quickly get out.

Maybe Harry took her to the swings, I quickly run up the hill to them but it's empty. We get back into the car and I tap my finger along the car dashboard trying to think where Harry could have possibly taken her.

"Maybe the swimming pool?" Louis suggests.

I shake my head "They didn't take their swimming costumes with them".

We decide to check the cinema since when I was talking to Harry I could hear voices and music in the background.

I decide to go up to the cinema desk to ask if they've seen Lily and Harry.

"Excuse me, did two year old girl and young guy with curly hair and green eyes purchase any tickets here?" I say questioning the bored looking staff member who was picking at her fake nails.

She slowly looks up at me "Many young guys and little girls have purchased tickets here" she says sarcastically.

I sigh in frustration "Yes well this is different, have you heard of Harry Styles from One direction?".

"Never heard of 'em" she says in a monotone.

I look at her in disbelief, I mean not everyone likes One Direction but most people knew who they were.

How long had she been living under a rock for?

"His names Harry, Harry styles" I repeat still not believing have she's never heard of them.

"There's quite a lot of Harrys, you know"

I scowl at her, couldn't she just tell me if she'd seen him or not.

"Are you sure? It would be really helpful if you could remember"

She glares up at me "The only way your going to find out if they went in there, is if you buy a ticket for yourself".

I glare back at her and then look at the films being shown.

Luckily the only children's film being shown is Ice Age 5 so they can't have possibly gone into anything else.

I buy two tickets for Louis and I and the stomp back to him and explain about the stubborn staff lady.

We quietly enter the theatre as the films already started- unfortunately it's darks so it's going to be hard to find Harry.

I start to shuffle past the back few rows when I catch sight of a curly mop of hair. "Harry?" I whisper loudly and poke them on the shoulder.

An angry red-faced woman wearing a bandana turns round.

"Sorry, I though you where someone else" I say trying to hide my embarrassment. After half hour of searching the cinema theatre and practically harassing everyone we come out empty handed.

"Well that was a waste of time," I grumble.

"If only Harry wasn't so stubborn and would just tell us where he is!" Louis exclaims. I nod in agreement and get out my phone.

"Maybe the fans will know?" I say out loud. Usually if someone from One Directions spotted then its posted all over twitter.

I search through tweets and mentions trying to see if anyone's seen Harry.

Sighing when the only thing I can find is people going on about how Louis and I where spotted coming out of Ice Age. How embarrassing.

We decide to give up and go home since we're both really tired from searching. "I'm sure he'll be home soon anyway" says Louis trying to cheer me up.

I try calling Harry one last time but he still doesn't pick up and it goes to voicemail. Louis stops the car and we both get put and make our way to the house. I walk in and hear noise coming the living room.

"Harry?" I call out hopefully.

When I get no reply, I creep into the living room to see who's there. I let out a sigh when I realise it's coming from T.V which Lily forgot to switch off when she left. I squint my eyes at the TV and see that the news is on. I gasp in realisation when I recognise the two figures on the screen.

Harry and Lily.


Ahh okay I'm so sorry for taking ages to update but I was on a school trip.

There was so many people who I wanted to dedicate this chapter to but I had to decide ( I wish you could dedicate more than one person to a chapter)

This chapter is dedicated to @andread12 cos she answered the question ;)

Next chapter dedicated to a commenter xo

Yay 120 votes for a fast update this time ? :)

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