Yes Ms. Robinson (Halloween Special pt. 2, {Not Edited})

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Ask him out man!

Alec seen the text and gulped down in fear. We watched the show begin with Nate, he jumped out his chair to take position as host. Alec scooted over so he could talk to me, "I can't ask him out he already has a boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes, "And a boyfriend who never shows up who also likes him for his money!"

"I'm not a hoe Eliza, if Nate likes me back then so be it but I don't ruin anything he has good for him-- At least he has someone!" Nate snapped. I jumped.

Good thing no one else heard him. I rolled my eyes, "However you want it boo, I'm just saying you two wouldn't do so bad I could see you two with a white picket fence mansion, a lovely garden, two little babies from India or China and wear pastels everyday."

He doesn't know what he's missing out on. "Eliza don't do the gay stereotyping it won't ever be like that."

We didn't talk anymore, the show went on as my previous designs were being paraded in. "the show was great, this was my first fashion show I've ever been too." then before I knew it the show was over.

The smile that was nicely plastered onto her face made me happy. "time to go babe, I think we've had enough partying."

Before I could start to stand Alec grabbed my wrist. "We've still got best dressed to attend to then you two can get your lez on."

Everyone cleared from the back to the inside to stand in a crowd for best dressed. I hope I didn't win this year I win too much. Nate came up to his top step of his stairs with a microphone in his hands and two white cards with bloody red lacing. "So this party is not over but I figured all must haps end before anything else goes badly, I am to announce who in my house is best dressed!"

We all waited for the announcement. "Who do you think it'll be?" Ashley asked, looking to me.

I shrugged my shoulder. "Who knows?"

"For male best dressed Halloween costume winner is..." I found Alec checking the time on his watch, "Alec Caprizzi!" Alec was dressed as Norman Bates but in the best way possible he was so fucking sexy and I'm a lesbian for crying out loud!

Spotlight shined on him he tried to move out the way but everyone told him to go up. He had no choice but to walk up the spiral marble staircase and take his prize: The golden pumpkin head and a night with the host in whichever room they choose inside the mansion. Nate kissed Alec's cheek. Alec stood shadily next to Nate, sweating and shaking.

"For female best dressed Halloween costume the winner is..." Nate took his sweet time opening the card. "Newest friend to the fashion industry: Ashley Black!"

"Me?" she looked up as the light shone on her beautiful face.

I gave her a light push, "Yes you, now go up there and take that golden pumpkin trophy!"

She ran up to the top of the steps next to Nate; She received the golden pumpkin and the company key too his shop that not too many people seen in his house. #2 second private room besides his lair. Not too long after that the crowd was back to dancing where I spotted the pumpkin king and host dancing. Damn did Nate and Alec look radiating together, their fondness for each other was as bright as a house fire. As my pumpkin queen danced with me throughout the night.

"Mommy?" she whispered into my ear.

My eyes were closed enjoying this. "Mmmm baby?" my chin lifts in her question.

Her hot breath on my neck as her voice is as soft as silk. "You know I love you." she stated. She's kissing me too, oh god.

"Oh so very much." I giggled as I could feel her hand and something cold sliding it's way up the side of my stomach. Was it the car key?

"Do you love the way I kill you too?"

I was so caught up with her bewitchingly wicked kisses that I was lost. "Yesssss babyyyyyy." before I realized what she said I felt silver puncturing my side through my rib cage, over and over again.

"Good." Ashley hissed before she let me fall to the floor in pain as my body jerked, I cupped my side to protect it from further profusely bleeding but I felt dizzy. "Give up you're dying!"

I seen my vision fading. "Why Ash?" I croaked out, my hoarse voice was even losing too.

She chuckled. "Mistress all that pain you've inflicted on these poor girls in the previous years just needs to finally lay on you." even when Ashley's this evil she still looks and sounds like the angel I thought she was.

She crouches down. "I've always been scarred." my back arched as the pain begin to stake my heart. I realized I'm dying now.

She leans in towards my head giving me a small kiss on my forehead. I took the sharp blade out of my side laying down relaxed. "I know that's what I love most about you."

I took the blade stabbing her in her heart, "You're going with me baby."

She nods. "We both deserve to die mommy, look at us we're beautifully disgraceful." I could disagree to agree but she was right. She took the blade out quickly throwing it across the floor while other people around us danced as we were here on the floor.... Kissing and holding each other.

Truly she was a witch, with her illusions having me believing in the angel I always thought she was. This submissive was truly something stronger. I was truly queen on the damned, I had helped dysfunctional people, did wrong to others and things I never want to mention. All the damned looked at me for help. "The sweetest pain." we croak in unison. She closed her eyes.

"I love you." Ashley cries out.

Before I could finish my heart stopped, I was gone. This death with her was as lovely on Earth before I met my heavenly afterlife with her. I see her at the gate, with daddy, with grandma, with her mom there too. My family is waiting, my wife was waiting there in Earth nothing was better than this. The wars didn't exist up here, the innocence was always in the air and everybody loved everybody. "I'm coming baby."

Dream Over

Eliza's pov

I felt a numbing sensation to my sex. "I'm coming baby." I say groggily. That's when my eyes open I see Alex having a pink vibrator to my sex. No!

"Good girl, but no I'm not gonna let you have it so easily so hold it!" he growled. "Or you get the belt." he said in a sing songy voice.

I gulped. "It felt too real to be a dream." I said to myself. "when does this hell end?"

I didn't want to be here with Alex. I missed New York city, I missed Nate and Alec! I missed David and Darcy! Even my sister who I hate unconditionally... But most of all, my mate. My other half. My baby. My submissive. My witch. My angel. My Ashley that not another blonde Ashley would be like. No one had hands, eyes on this Ashley.

Yes, Ms. Robinson : Book 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora