I tuck my lips into my mouth, taking in a deep breath, "No," my tone sounds strangled and dry. It's depressing. 

I feel one of her hands begin to rub my leg through the blanket, "Have you packed everything?" she then asks and I decide to fully look at her. Her eyes are filled with worry. 

"Yeah," I say quietly and it's almost to the point of not being able to hear me. She purses her lips as her eyes study my face.

"I brought you some water," she says and she hands out a bottle. My mouth waters itself naturally from where I have barely drank anything. 

"Thanks," I say as I sit up a little, grabbing the bottle graciously. I open it and down about a fourth of it in a matter of seconds. My throat immediately feels better and I take in another deep breath as she watches me carefully. 

She stays silent for a moment before she opens her mouth, "How are you feeling?" she asks and I clear my throat, my eyes roaming around the room. 

"Shitty," I say simply, rubbing my temple for a moment. 

"I'm sorry this happened," she says, her tone low as she furrows her eyebrows sympathetically. 

"You're not going to say I told you so?" I ask, raising my eyebrows slightly towards her as my fingers trace the top of the water bottle. 

"Mads, look," she starts with a pause, "At first, I was furious with you, but," she pauses again, her eyes roaming mine again, "I know that you love him. You don't even have to say anything, anyone could see it. It's in your eyes," she licks her lips quickly and I feel a lump forming in my throat. 

"That doesn't mean anything anymore," I shake my head, trying to hold in more tears, "I told him I was in love with him and he said he never wanted to see me again," I explain, trying to come to the reality of this situation. 

I can't really read her face anymore as it falls slightly. She glances down at the duvet before saying, "Mads, you may love him but that doesn't mean you have to take his shit," she says and I give her a confused look, "You've cried over him too much and if he can't grow up and look past your mistakes like you did with him, he shouldn't be worth it," she shakes her head a little. 

I look away from her and set my water down on the now empty nightstand. I try to take in her words and for the most part - she's right. I shouldn't have to take this anymore. He's hurt me multiple times, but it's so hard to let go that easily. 

"It's just hard," I say after a moment of silence and she gives me an understanding nod. 

"It takes time," she says and I inhale deeply, closing my eyes for a second, "Heartbreak isn't easy but it gets better," she adds and open them, comprehending her words. 

"Thank you," I give her the best smile I can at the moment and she returns one. Suddenly, she scoots closer to me and wraps her tiny frame around mine. I return her hug generously, so glad we managed to make up. If I hadn't of had her in this situation, I would feel even more alone than I do now. 

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