Chapter 11

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Camila P.O.V. (Oops)

I called her, I texted her. Were all worried about her, how could I be so stupid why did I stayed silent, the only thing that I could do is deny it, but its like she took over my confidence I cant lie to her. I love her, I really love her.

"I think, you just did the right thing, Mila." Normani said, shes sitting beside me. The other girls is just sitting around me, listening. "Because its unfair to not tell her you like somebody not her, she only love you and Lauren."

"I know. I love her too." I replied, rubbing my eyes. "Is there something wrong about her?" Ally asked. "No, everything is great. Its just, I-I dont know." I answered.

"What happened? How you two got really that close, when you knew what he did to you at his party that night?" Lauren asked.

"About two days after that, he apologize to me when all of you left me at the lockers, I said 'Yeah, okay.' Then he thanked me. After that we talked when we see each other at the hallway of course when all of you leave me behind. Then yesterday...." I exhaled.
"He kissed me, I-I dont what happened? I kissed him back. Then yeah. I just... I-I dont really know." I explained myself.

"Yeah, Y/N is right. You're bullshit." Lauren said, standing up.

"Its not my fault." I complained.

"Camila? How could you do that to her? She love us, if we didnt planned that sex thingy she'll never gonna have sex with us because she respect us so much. Then that Austin dickhead tried to raped you then.. Then.. You like him? Such a bitch." Lauren said.

"Dont call me a bitch!" I yelled at her.

"Okay. But this is your fault Camila, you cheated. I'm sorry, you gonna have to do something." Lauren said, softly.

"I agree to that." Dinah nodded.

We all turned our head at the front door when we heard a loud 'thud'. We looked at each other, scared. When the door open, we heard a giggle.

"Hi beautiful ladies." Y/N said, shes drunk. Her eyes are swollen and red, her face is extremely red too. The smell of alcohol and smoke ran at our nose.

"Y/N where have you been?" I approached her, cupping her cheeks but she slapped my hand away. "Dont touch me, Camila." She said, on her drunk voice the smell of marijuana ran in to my nose. She kissed my cheeks and ran towards Lauren, hugging her spinning her around. "I missed youuuu, babyyyyyyy." Y/N said slurring, nuzzling her face at Laurens neck like a cat. Lauren gave me a apologetic look, I just nodded and sighed. They kissed, not bothering that we are all watching.

"Youre drunk. Youre high. What the hell did you do? Hook up with a bitch?" Lauren gave her a cocky look.
"Noooo, I woooould neveeeeer dooo thaaaaat. I just haveeeeh a wiiittle fuun weeeth Bria and the oootheeers." Y/N replied.
"We' all worried about you. You didnt answer your phone or something." Ally said.
"Owh, yeeeeeah. Myyyy phhhone izs at maah car. I'll juuuszst get ithhhh." Y/N said, she's cute when shes like this.

"No. No. You better sleep or shower you smell reaaally bad." Dinah said, they all giggled.

"I diiiiiidnt. I waaaaant to cuddleeeee." She whined like a child.
"Okay. Okay." Lauren giggled.
"Buuuuut I'm hunggrrryyyy. I waaaannaaa eat youuuuu." Y/N smirked, the girls fake a gag.
"You idiot!" Lauren slapped her arm giggling. "Theres a food there. Come here." Lauren took her to the kitchen.

I heard a lot of giggling and laughing at the kitchen.
"Your tuuurn babyyyy, chuuu chuuu heres theeeee traaaain." Her voice is too loud, because she's drunk.

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