Chapter 25:- Colors Of The Rainbow

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" Hey I'm here" I said, flying into Curtis's room. There was a single red rose on his bed with a letter.
Dear Jessica
I am hiding somewhere. Obviously. Anyway, these few months have been crazy, so I thought I would do something to let you settle down. So I made you a treasure hunt, this will let you get used to the second triad, each letter has a rose and a letter, each letter has a riddle in it that you and Ruby will have to figure out. Good luck. There is 12 roses
Love Curtis.

P.s here is your first clue.
The first rose is where the best view of the city from the castle

" what dose it say?" Asked Ruby.
" he made a treasure hunt for me. He is the treasure, he said he has hidden 12 roses and that each one has a riddle to find the next one." I laughed.
" aww that's so sweet. What's the riddle?" She asked.
" The first rose is where the best view of the city from the castle. Where is that?" I said.
" I don't know lets go ask people." She said and flew out of the room. I folded the letter and shoved it in my pocket and followed her with my red rose.
" JACKSON!" I shouted " where is the best view of the city from the castle?"
"Right at the top, why?" He asked.
" Curtis made me a treasure hunt and he's the treasure, each letter has a riddle to the next one and each letter has a rose." I said showing him the letter.
" ok, well the best view of the city is the top of the castle, I will take you there" he said handing me back the letter. And he flew off.
" come on Jessica" screeched Ruby. I followed after them and we were there in no time.
" there's the letter." I said running over to it.

Congratulations you found the first letter, and your next rose. Here is your next riddle.
I am hidden where your eyes saw their first death.
Love Curtis

" where your eyes saw their first death" I repeated. I grabbed the rose and saw that is was orange.
" why is this rose orange?"I asked.
" because there are 12 colors in the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, lime green, green, Aqua, blue, indigo, purple, magenta and pink" said Jackson. " I got to go, good luck on your man hunt" he gave me a hug and flew away.
" ok so where is the next rose?" Asked Ruby.
" where my eyes saw their first death. He said that it would help me get used to the second triad, so it's where I saw my first death here." I said.
" ok so where did you see someone die?" She said, flying around my head. " oh I know" she said landing on my head.
" what?" I said looking at her face.
" who did you see die?" Asked Ruby.
" Draco!" I said.
" and where was that?" She said. I shot up into the air and saw the forest.
" in the forest, let's go" I said, I flew up above where it was and closed my wings. The air flew past me ears, just as I got close to the trees I open my wings and landed perfectly.
" Perfect landing" I sung. And I saw the letter. I ran over to it and about a meter away Ruby shot down and landed on top of the letter.
" haha" she laughed
" Hey give me the letter" I whined.
" Surprise attack" she said and lunges towards me. I did a backflip and grabbed her. Hugging her close to my chest.
" good" she laughed. I let her go and we both ran to the letter.

Great, you found you third rose. YELLOW. Here is your next clue, The letter is hidden in a place where you got your most important thing. You got hit with it and you got a new one from here when you crash landed.
Good Luck, Curtis.
" haha this ones easy" I laughed.
" huh let me see" asked Ruby, I handed her the letter and walked out the the training area. I ripped a piece of vine from a tree and wrapped the roses together.
" I DONT GET it" shouted Ruby as she ran to me. I grabbed the note from her.
" The next rose is in the weapons shop, where I got my bow" I laughed
" oh yea, let's go" laughed Ruby. We flew off, everything was so peaceful in the sky, I grabbed my necklace and saw that I had changed to a reddish orange.
"Ruby, look. It has changed colour" I said.
"Your powers are almost ready, we will talk about it later" she said, doing a twist. " I'm so excited, aren't you?"
" No, what happens if the 'great evil' attacks me and I can't help anyone" I said. I'm starting to freak out, I completely forgot about the prophecy thing.
" you will do great I know it. Now come on let's try that perfect landing again" laughed Ruby.
" ok" I closed my wings and landed ok. " oww" I rolled my ankle.
" there should be a bandage inside I will go get it." Said Ruby. When she went inside I could here everything. And by everything, I mean nothing. Then I headed Ruby screech.
" Jessica, HELP ME!!" She screamed. I got up and when I stepped I fell down.
"Ahh" I held it in and dragged my self to the door. I sat at the edge of the door and looked in. I couldn't see Ruby. Then suddenly some thing shot an arrow at the door. I pulled my head back and crawled away. I flew low around the house and saw a back door. I quietly opened it and went in. I could see sky and Ruby hiding behind the desk. I slowly limped over and scared them.
" How.." Said sky as he extents the w.
" There's a back door, now where is my letter?" I asked putting my hand out. Sky gave me my lime green rose and a letter.
Haha I see you shot your way throw or you out smarted sky and went through the back door.
"Haha" I laughed.
"What?" Asked Sky.
" he knew I was going to out smart you and use the back door" I landed and fell.
" what did you do?" Asked sky.
" When I landed I rolled my ankle and it hurts a lot. Do you have something to wrap it up?" I asked sitting up comfortably. He got up and grabbed a bandage and wrapped it up.
" This should help for a bit. Now what's the next hint?" He asked. He wrapped my ankle as I read.
" Here is your next hint. I am hiding where your royal companion is worshiped" I said.
" oh that's easy" Screeched Ruby.
" That's easy" repeated.
" yea I know, come on let's go Ruby" I said. She walked over to me and helped me up, we flew out the back door and to the Griffin Society. No one was home but the door was open. When I opened it I could see the letter and rose, there was traps set everywhere.

Authors Note
Thanks for reading



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