Chapter 17:- Lost and Even more lost. But then found.

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I woke up to birds singing. Ruby was still asleep, so I snuck out with my bow. I didn't go to far because I didn't know where I was. I searched around and found some vines and paper bark from a tree. I saw that the cave was a very large tree, but I went back in our cave and Ruby was awake.
" look I found these" she repositioned her self and huffed.
" ok great now wrap my wing up" I did what she said. I tryed not to hurt her as I wrapped it. When I finished we walked out of the tree cave.
" ok let's head that way because that's the way we came, I'm pretty sure. Or nutmaybe it was that was. Ugh I don't know" when I was running to took a lot of turns, so I can't remember which was back. So we walked forwards and I had my bow ready to shoot something that may attack us.
" Jessica the only way someone will find us is if we can get to a clearing." I looked at her.
" yea I know and there is no fence around the training areas and the closest one I'm pretty sure is the archery grounds." She nodded and started looking up.
" I think the most important thing is to find some food. " she said.
" yea that's a great Idea, LOOK. Over there" I said and we both kneeled down and snuck towards a deer. But it ran away.
" Jessica next time shoot it with an arrow." Oh yea hah. After about 8 hours of trying to find food, we had no luck. We were starting to get tired and thirsty. I ate a plant and now I feel a bit sick. My legs were covered in mud and all my clothes was torn. We spent another 2 nights alone in that cave. I couldn't sleep the second night. I was awake listening to the roaring sounds of our grumbling stomaches. The sun rised so I woke up Ruby.
" come on. Let's keep on walking and we will camp out there ok" I said. She nodded and we left. Weak and tired we got pretty far. We were at some trees. We just kept on walking, I started to feel like I was gonna pass out. I was huffing and puffing. Then I saw some targets.
" look Ruby" I started running and didn't stop. I think Ruby was following. We got closer and closer and then. We made it back.
" MOVE" shouted someone. But I was too late, I got shot in my shoulder. I couldn't handle the pain and passed out.

I woke up on a bed, a hospital bed. Again. I searched around the room and saw Curtis by my side with his head down, and he was holding my hand. No one else was in the room. I squashed his hand and he looked up. His face instantly brightened.
" hey" I smiled. He couldn't say anything but he hugged me.
" how are you? Are you feeling better? I have so many questions" he laughed and it made me laugh, but it hurt.
" Oww, I am feeling great just got a sore shoulder that's all. Oh where is Ruby ?" I asked.
" she's fine she woke up 2 days ago" what how long have I been asleep for. Oh no my dad.
" Curtis how long have I been asleep for?" I asked as I sat up.
"1 hdbege" he mumbled.
" what?" I shouted.
" 1 month and 2 weeks" he said. What how long.
" wait so what did you tell my dad?" I asked. Oh no that means I only have 2 months left.
" we told him exactly what happened and that you were lost. Jessica we had search parties out every day and night, trying to find you." I smiled and stood up.
"Aww thanks" I went to put my arms around his neck, but the pain stopped me.
" oh and yea you sorta ran in front of someone's target as you ran out of the woods. And might of gotten shot" I jumped and kissed his cheek.
" can we go see Ruby?" I played with the necklace. Curtis flew me to my room, that's where Ruby should be.
" Ruby ? Are you here?" I heard her laugh and she ran up to me.
" Jessica, I missed you so much" I cuddled her. I stroked her head.
" I missed you too" I laughed. I still feel weak, when I stood up I felt light headed and the world started to spin.
" Jessica are you ok?" He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.
" yea I'm fine. Can you help me shower?" I asked and he looked at me funny.
" um your a girl? And I'm a boy " he said slowly.
" yea I know I don't care, I'm not showering naked. I'm gonna put my swimmers on" after I said that he looked relieved. He awkwardly put my swimmers on and helped me get clean. Then he helped me get changed.
" which one?" He said holding up my bra's.
" well I'm wearing that so the blue one please. Oh and make sure"
" the panties match. Yes I know" he interrupted.
" I have tort you well" we both laughed. We ended up washing Ruby. That was a challenge. After we were all clean we laid down on my bed and talked.
" I'm pretty sure you could. Wait to be a swords man, don't you need muscle?" I asked.
" yea, I have enough muscle. Look" he said. I laughed and rolled over into my stomach.
" do you think I should tell my dad that we are dating?" I asked. He rolled over and looked at me. I could see in the corner of my eye, Ruby was looking at me.
" yes I think it would be best" he grabbed my hand. " He is coming tomorrow. So you can tell him then. I will be by your side the whole time" he kissed me. I kissed him back and we didn't stop. Until we ran out of breathe, I got up and walked to him and laid next to him. I fell asleep on his chest.

heyo thanks for reading
suggest something to write in my story please.



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