Chapter 13:- Seeing double

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We flew back to the targets, I was flying great with Ruby. We were getting closer to the ground.
" ok are you ready Ruby?" She was looking straight but screeched. Everyone stopped fighting and watched us, but just as we were about the touch the ground we were hit and crash landed.
" ahh my wings" I screamed. Curtis ran up to me. I sat on my knees, tears running down my face because of the pain.
" I am so sorry your majesty. We didn't see you, I am really sorry." I don't know who that was ,i couldn't move. I tried moving my wings but that made it worse.
" it's ok" I said through the tears. Curtis and someone else helped me up. I stretched and took a deep breathe in and wiped the tears away and looked at the two boys who crashed into me.
" Jessica are you ok?" Curtis looked worried. He is so funny, you know Curtis is the same age as me, yea wouldn't believe that would you. Any way back to the boys.
" yes I'm fine my wings just hurt really bad". I laughed I walked over to Ruby with a limp. She had some ruffled feathers and a cut on her face, but she's ok.
" oh my bow" It was crushed. The mystery boys ran up to me.
" your majesty we are so sorry" said the first one.
" we will buy you an new one, as saying sorry for hurting you and breaking it" I turned to them and smiled.
" thank you.What are your names?" I asked.
" my names Jessie" he said putting his hand to his chest.
" and my name is James" I saw they were only young and had a few cuts and bruises.
" They are the JJ twins" said Curtis. And then I realized they were twins, how did I not notice that.
" so when would you like to buy your bow?" Asked James. Everyone went back to training. Sky walked over and said.
" I think now would be a good time because she is training for something very important so let's go" everyone flew off and I stood there and looked at them.
" Ruby, Ready?" Screeching she ran over to my ready to fly. " Ruby fly" *blows whistle* we were off and catching up to the boys. We ran into the boys and they fell a bit and started laughing.
" that's cool how do you do that?" Asked Jessie. I laughed and replied.
" well she holds me around my wings and carries me, it's very comfy." I smiled. We went into town, this time the landing was great. Curtis clapped and I bowed. Curtis and Sky laughed. The bow shop was so cool, so many different ones to choose from. But then I found one, it was a beautiful wooden one painted Aqua, light blue and dark blue. We brought it an were walking the boys home before the sun went down.
" thanks for walking us home" said Jessie.
" Jessica, what happens when your in battle with Ruby and you get knocked out and fall. How will Ruby know to get you?" James had a great idea. What if that did happen.
" hey next week, after my father comes do you boys want to help me train Ruby?" I asked. Their faces light up and then started jumping around.
" ok I'll take that as a yes. We better get going. Thanks for the bow and I'll see you later" we waved good bye and left.
" we have a habit of coming home late don't we Jessica" said Curtis. But I was more concentrated on what was in the trees.
"Ruby fly lower a bit" as we got closer to the trees the beast came towards us. Ruby screeched and I shooshed her.
" a little bit lower Ruby" I whispered, but the suddenly the beast jumped at us. It hit me and Ruby and we both went down. But we didn't hit the ground something caught us, actually 2 things caught us. We were flown back to the castle.
" are you are Jessica?" It was Curtis and sky.
" yes thanks. How's Ruby?" I grabbed her and stroked her feathers. I saw blood and found a small but deep cut in her.
" she will be fine." Said sky.
" but what were you thinking Jessica you could of gotten yourself killed or Ruby or even us for that matter." Curtis shouted. He looked really worried.
" I just wanted to get a good look of the creatures" As soon as I said that, Curtis and sky looked at each other, then the guards and then me again.
" what do you mean, creature'sss?" Sky said. Then there was a loud roar and screaming.
" someone is in trouble. Guards Curtis come on" I got up and grabbed my bow.
" are you ok Ruby?" She nodded " Ruby Fly *blows whistle*" Curtis stopped and said.
" oh no your not coming." I looked at him and Ruby flew me to his level.
" please I really want to help." His face was serious.
" fine but be careful ok don't do anything stupid." Curtis said and He flew off so I followed him.
" Curtis and Jessica you too stay together. Guards your with me. Curtis you got the ground ok." Curtis nodded.
" stay close to me Ruby" she screeched. I had my arrow ready to aim. We flew down to the tree tops. The screaming had stopped but the beast was still roaring, like it was in pain. We then flew right behind it. I walked around behind Curtis and he saw there was two. Ones a baby and the other must be the mum.
" told you" I whispered, but I wasn't quiet enough. The beasts head turned towards us. It started to get up.
"Jessica run, follow me ok" I followed him, I was freaking out because I could feel it coming towards us.
" OK FLY NOW" shouted Curtis.
" RUBY FLY" I blew the whistle. We were in the air and going high enough so it couldn't get it.
" that was close" I said " great job Ruby"
" now we have to find... SKY" he found him. We flew towards him.
" where are the guards?" I asked.
" they got to close. How did you guys go?" I laughed.
" we ran into it. I have something to say but I want to tell all the boys here. They should be eating dinner now so we better go now and tell them" said Curtis. This should be fun, he's terrified of talking in front of people.

thanks for ready guys.
I'm thinking of doing a character info chapter maybe, I don't know. So comment if you want it.


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