Chapter 15 :- Taking action

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" These men are the only men I really know so hopefully" I crossed my fingers." Commander Sky and Curtis, haven't picked you. Those men are .... Archer Jackson, swords men Stuart and Ryan, and umm" Curtis gave me a note, I opened it and it said.
Jessica I know you don't know a lot of people so I wrote down the best men for you. They are obedient and polite. Curtis.
"* cough cough* ok, the swords men are Stuart, Ryan, Heath, Thomas and Kobi. The archers are Jackson, The JJ twins" are they even old enough, I think? " Ben, Gordon and Me. Haha." Every laughed.
" ok and that's every one. I'll meet you guys at the training area" I skipped back to Curtis.
" your welcome." He said before I could reply.
" thanks, so I have to lead all those men. What if they don't listen?" I was getting worried.
" you have Ruby" just as he said that she jumped on my back.
" yea you will do fine" said sky. " now I would go now wouldn't want to leave them waiting.Oh and Jessica!" I was at the door.
" yea? Ruby fly" I blew my whistle.
" your team is on the ground ok" I nodded and flew off.
" are you ready for this Ruby?" She screeched at me.
" well it's good you are because I'm not. Hahah I think I'm going crazy. I'm talking to an animal. AN OWL GRIFFIN. Do you understand me?" I looked at her and she looked and me. I waited with me mouth open. Then she nodded.
" really?" She nodded again. Wow she can understand me.
" ok so I am not going to blow the whistle any more ok? I'm just gonna say simple commands." She screeched and we landed.
" princess Jessica, it's great that your here we would like to know what we are doing." Said Archer Ben. I looked at all of them. The smallest ones here were me and the JJ twins.
" ok men we are the ground team. From my little experience the beast is very sensitive to sound. Whispering isn't quiet enough so we will have to learn down hand signals ok. We won't be killing the beast" everyone awed.
" why not your majesty?" Shouted some from the back. Ruby climbed down and sat next to me.
" because this beast is only killing us to feed its baby. What would you do if you had no money, no food and a growing child, you would do anything to protect it" Then they all hummed.
" so then if we're not killing it we need tranquilizer arrows and swords .We can make those" said James.
" ok that's great. Ok so this I my plan, we all land a distance from the beast. Since we are coming to it from the south, Commander Sky's team will set  the net up in the west."they nodded " ok when we are closer the rest of you will split up. Everyone will have there own little group, 1 man will come with me and we will get the attention of the beast. Once we get its attention we will run south hopefully then the net should be set. The men in the sky will be tracking it and taking care of the baby, we have the mother." Everyone started talking between each other. I saw James's hand go up.
" yes James?" He walked forwards.
" it's Jessie and how will we know where the beast is? And when it's chasing you how are you going to run fast enough? What if you not fast enough?" Wow this kid has a lot of questions.
" Jessie, 1. Curtis's team will tell us where to beast is, and sky's team will be where the net should be set up. 2. I can run pretty fast" someone interrupted me.
" oh yea lets have a race then. You against me." Who is that.
" ok loser let's get to this" everybody oohed and laughed. We got set .
" ok are you ready. 3,2,1 GO!" We were of super fast, it was neck and neck but then I ran straight passed him and beat him.
" haha I won" I wasn't puffed, yet.
" how... Are.... You not puffed" he said.
" I do a lot of running, cardio stuff" I said, and walked back with the dude. Why do I never ask for name first.
" what's your name?" I asked. Finally.
" my name is archer Kobi. I'm ahh umm great with the umm lady's" he started flexing.
" haha very funny but I have a boyfriend" then it hit me. I have a boyfriend. Ha I HAVE A BOYFRIEND.
" ok, who?" We reached everyone else.
" can't say. Ok so with that done, I have an idea to help to runners" just as I was about to speak, Curtis flew over with me bow.
" have you told them your plan" I nodded. " good because we think it's best to do it tonight so that the people are safe"
" ok that's great JJ twins go work on the tranquilizer stuff and the rest of you get into small groups and remember the twins are together. But not with me. Kobi who else is a good runner?" I asked, I hugged Curtis.
" Umm Jackson is" he said pointing to him.
" hey Jessica I got to go but we will meet at the landing balcony ok. Be there in 2 hours" I kissed his cheek and he flew off.
" yea I am" Jackson walked up to me.
" oh and BTW you too are cute" he whispered.
"Ok well you to train toghether and me and Ruby are going to train" everyone one went into there small groups and were practicing.
" ok Ruby when I do this" I hit my shoulder twice " you get in my back and fly ok" she nodded.
" this is easy when you can understand me" she screeched and flew off " hay where are you going." I followed her on the ground. She landed next to a well in the middle of some trees.



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