Chapter 22:- Heart of gold and bones of steel.

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We flew around for about 1 hour because we forgot to ask Curtis where the black smith is and when we went back he wasn't there.
" this is taking forever, where could he be?" I said.
" maybe he is waiting for you at the training area, we have been flying around for 2 hours." Replied Ruby. I hovered in my spot.
" what!?, I thought it was an hour. Come on let's go!" We sped through the Angels and found Curtis waiting.
" you took your time" he laughed " did you find the blacksmith?"
" no" I huffed. He laughed.
" well that's ok because I already got you your armor. We kept the arm brace, cause the nurse said it would be best to keep it on." Sky and kobi walked over to us.
" this is awesome" I picked mine up " and very light. How solid is it?" I asked.
" it is very strong watch this." He nodded and shot sky with an arrow.
" ahh" I screamed, but the arrow just bounced off him.
" see even this close it still protects him" he laughed at me. I poked my tongue at hit and attack him. I pined him to the ground. I had my hands on his shoulders and my knees on either side of his hips.
" ha I got you" I laughed.
" your strong" he flipped me on my back.
" ahh" I screamed. He got on top of me.
" but not strong enough to beat me." He laughed and made me laughed. We battled each other and I won. The sun was setting so we went back inside
" that was fun" my stomach rumbled " let's eat" we ate and talked. I began to feel a bit tired so I went to bed.

The next morning, we were being attacked. I quickly changed and grabbed my bow. It has been an hour, and I was yawing.
" FIRE" shouted Curtis. It was a dragon and he looked angry. The dragons tail flung at us and hit Curtis.
" ru.." She was already flying towards him and caught him mid fall.
" are you ok Curtis?" I asked as Ruby put him down.
" yes I am thanks. *huff* I don't know why he is attacking us they never do!" He said.
" can you ask him?" Said Ruby. He can't understand you Ruby. (Ruby)Yes I know so you tell him.
" can you ... Ruby why don't you talk to him?" I asked.
" Jessica she can't understand you!" Laughed Curtis.
" that's a great idea!" Screeched Ruby. She flew off and tried to talk to him.
" mister dragon what's wrong?" She asked.
" Jessica how did you do that?" Asked Curtis.
" I.." How am I going to tell him." I... I"
" Jessica I know what the problem is? Come on!" Puffed Ruby.
" Just a minute!" I flew up and straight into him mouth. It was pitch black.
" JESSICA NOOOOOO" screamed Curtis. I slushed around the dragons mouth, grabbed what I needed and flew out of his mouth. The dragon screamed for a bit and then stopped. He swung his tail and hit me. I got up and walked to Curtis
" Jessica your ok" Curtis hugged me "ew and slimy" he laughed.
" what did you do?" Asked sky.
" the dragon had a tooth ache and it had a curse on it the controlled him." I showed them the tooth.
" and in guessing that the one who cast the spell was.."
" Monique" I interrupted Curtis. I turned and looked at the dragon.
" I am very sorry" grumbled the Dragon.
" Its ok, what is your name?" I asked.
" my name is Curtis, Jessica?. Did you hit your head?" Said Curtis as he put his hand in my shoulder.
" Jessica you can tell Curtis" screeched Ruby.
" No I didn't hit me head, I can talk to animals. What is your name Dragon?" I said. Curtis stood beside me and looked at the dragon.
" My name is Jake? How can you under stand me?" He asked. I grabbed my necklace and showed it to him. " oh, well I best be on my way, if you ever need help just come and find me" he turned around and hit me with his tail, again. I got up but was in lots of pain, Curtis put me around his shoulder.
" what did the dragon say?" asked Curtis.
" His name is Jake. I am so sorry I didn't tell you early" I pleaded. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.
" it's ok because.."
" no way" Ruby said with her mouth open.
" yes way" laughed Curtis. He had a necklace and it was blue.
" you only just got it. Look mine is Green" I smiled so hard my face hurt.
" ok men go and eat" shouted Curtis. They all scattered but we stayed here.
" WAIT! How did you get it, only owl griffens can choose the person and find" Ruby was interrupted by loud screeching. " Luke?" She said. There was an owl griffen that was the same size as Ruby. It landed right in front of me.
" Luke is that you?" Smiled Ruby.
" Yes Jewel it is, how are you?" He asked.
" Jewel? Is that your name Ruby?" I asked.
" yea but I like Ruby better. Jessica this is Luke... We are ... Best friends" she blushed. I started to feel light headed.
" Jessica are you ok?" Asked Curtis.
" yea I'm fine" I said and straight away I fainted.

Thanks for reading. Comment any mistakes or something you want to put in the story.



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