CHAPTER 3:- The Corenation Part 1

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( the dress and names of who is wearing it)
I walked into my robe and grabbed 5 dress. Each a different color, I grabbed my and threw them their own.
" Oh thanks Jessica" they said all together.
" So you didn't forget" Serrena said , smiling at me weirdly.
"How could I, you were the one who made them" I said and she jumped up and hugged me.
" Oww. I am gonna need help please." I said and monique jumped right up.
" I'll help" she said. She stripped naked right in front of us and changed into her dress.
" A little warning next time. Cause we don't want to see that" I said, trying to erase the image out of my mind. I turned around and walked into my robe, got my dress on and braided my hair.
" Doht forget to put your second dress on underneath" shouted Serrena. I laughed at her and did what she said, then I washed my wings and face. When I came out everyone was dressed and someone knocked on the door. I ran and opened it.
" Hey" i kissed him. " what are you doing here?"
" I am here to take my beautiful daughter and her friends to the ball" said my dad. He fixed one of my feathers up. " You all look beautiful."
" Thank your majesty." they all said bowing. My dad is the king, but tonight is my coronation, which is the day i finally become queen and take over my dads place. Actually I can really throw him out until I'm 18 but that's only 3 years away, tonight I get a wish and i have one thing that i have wanted to change since i was very little. His eye patch creeped me out and he had a prosthetic arm build. He picked me up and flew down to the floor, while being followed by the girls and guards.
" Tonight you will become queen, what is your coronation wish my dear." My father said. Here goes nothing.
" I wish that women are allowed to learn how to fight and battle beside men in the war." I said it so quickly i didn't know if my dad got it.
" No" His face changed from a smiled to a dirty angry look.
" Why not that is my wish." I almost shouted. Other Angel started to look
" No jessica, women aren't meant to fight. They are to weak." he shouted. Women around us gasped at his comment. I saw my mother start to walk towards us but stopped meters away.
" Ok then lets make a deal, You let me learn how to fight and in three months we will have a battle. If i win i get my wish. And if you win i won't ever ask for it ever again. Deal" I said putting my hand out. He just stared at me for a while. My arm was starting to get tired, I bet you he was seeing how long I could keep me arm up.
" Deal" he shook my hand" but for now, people are awaiting"

COMMENT FOLLOW. CONTINUE TO READ. Sorry it's short but the chapters get longer I promise this chapter has been edited and finalized




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