Chapter 24:- The Meeting!

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" ok Let the meeting commence" said my dad. Everyone took their place around the room. Unlike all the other queens I stood at the table next to Curtis and my dad.
" Ok, dose anyone have any suggestions?" Said King Oberon. King Oberon is from the South triad, he is Luke's dad. I held down tears when queen lee was talking to me about him, she also gave me his sword.
" How about we get captured and attack them from inside" squealed King Theo. Theo hates me for something, maybe it's because I am a girl and want to fight. All the men started shouting at each other, suggesting that they just fly in, others say just wait for them to attack. They are so stupid. Ruby mind told me, she was right.
" excuse me" I said. No one listened, and continued to fight. I looked at my mum and she nodded.
" Ruby come here" I said. She trotted over and tripped. Curtis and I laughed. She got up and flew onto the table I front of me.
" screech" I said and blocked ears. All the Kings looked at me with anger in their eyes. And faces.
" Thank you for listening, now I have an idea. How-"
" ha a princess doesn't think of I ideas" squeaked King Theo.
" The man is right" blurted King Oberon. " girls are for the kitchen" all the men laughed, except my dad and uncle Ben.
" excuse me,we are capable of doing more than that, now listen to my daughter." Said my mum. They instantly stopped laughing and looked scared.
" umm hmmm" hummed the queens.
" what's your plan Jessica?" Asked uncle Ben.
" ok well we attack at night, use the dark to our advantage. A small group will be stealthy and enter from each side of the castle. Enter with complete silence, and slowly we eliminate every devil there" I said.
" that's a gr-"
" shit idea" interrupted King Theo.
" watch you language" shouted my dad.
" Princess Jessica's idea is better than any of ours, I am in with that plan" said uncle Ben.
" I'm in" said my dad. King Oberon was thinking and looking at Theo.
" yep I'm in then. It's just you now squeaky" smile Oberon, everyone laughed.
" fine but don't you ever call me squeaky again." Said Theo.
" ok it is settle, Commander Curtis you  will in form all the men of the plan and get them into groups. Understood" said my dad.
" Yes your majesty" saluted Curtis.
" ok now we will be leaving" my dad started walking.
" good job Jessica, hey did you open my present yet?" Ask my mum.
" no I haven't had any time, but I will open it as soon as everyone leaves." I said.
" ok" she kissed my cheek and hugged me " be good, say safe and don't get your self injured. Oh and there is also a present in your box for Ruby." Said my mum.
" ok bye" I waved. Then everyone left, I managed to dodge aunt Vanessa. Thank fully.
" I am going to my room I will meet you at the training ground" I said.
" ok but hurry cause we have to start training" he shouted. I flew up to my room and found the box my mum gave me.
" what do you thinks inside?" Asked Ruby.
" I don't know" I replied. I untied the ribbon and lifted the lid.
" what?" said Ruby. Inside the box was a ninja suit, white with blue.
" haha my mum always knew i wanted one of these" I laughed. There was also one for Ruby.
" haha no I'm not wearing that. Now come on we have to go train" Ruby said standing at the door. I put the suit down and opened the box I got from aunt Vanessa . I found the bow, it was a beautiful mix of the rainbow and each arrow was a different color.
" ok let's go" I said and flew out of the room. As we were flying I started thinking.
" Ruby can I trust you?" I asked.
" yea, why?" She said. I closed my wings and started falling.
" what are you doing?" She said and she flew down and caught me.
" I was seeing how much I could trust you" I laughed. And then she dropped me.
" I obviously can't " we both laughed.
" let's try that entrance I was taking about ages ago" Ruby said flying higher above Curtis.
" yep ok" I stuck close to her and we went spiraling down. We landed right I front of Curtis, and when there was dust everywhere I lunged at Curtis and pinned him to the ground.
" ha *cough cough* oh god *cough cough* gotcha *cough cough cough*" I couldn't stop coughing.
" yea, get entrance just a little less dust when your Doug to us ok" laughed Curtis. I hopped up and helped him up.
" yea, so what are we doing for training?" I asked with a gigantic smile on my face.

" then after we did 5 laps he made me do hands on attacks and boot camp. I hate boot camp. And then he made me do 50 push ups before I could come here" I told Jackson. As I cut a piece of steak. We had been training all day and my legs and wings were jelly.
" haha well that's what we get for being soldiers. So have you thought of what the team that's going in will be made of?" He asked.
" what?" I said almost choking on the piece.
" who is on the team that's entering the castle first?" He said flicking salad at me.
" oh well me and Ruby and Curtis, some archers cause we can shoot them from s distance." I said. " no have you salad back, I hate salad."
" WHAT?!? How do you stay so skinny without eating healthy?" Jackson almost fell out of his seat. Ruby snorted.
" Fast metabolism" I replied " ok well I'm going to go find Curtis, he said he wanted to talk" they oohed
" sounds important" smiled Stuart.
" kissy kissy mwah mwah" laughed Jackson. I poked my tongue at them and flew off.
" wait for me" screeched Ruby.

Authors note

Thanks again for reading. So no one has commented on my story and I am hoping that some one awesome find this book and shows to to all his/her/it's friends and that I can really popular and this book can be in the top 10 of best fantasy books.



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