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( the picture above is what Jessica is wearing)
"Come on Curtis lets go" i screamed. Soaring through the air. I hadn't been allowed outside for weeks because of an attack in the village. I stretched out my wings and soaked up the sun.
" Haha I'm so excited 6 days until my birthday!" I cheered " aren't you excited Curtis?" He rolled his eyes and flew up to me.
" Come on let's have a race" I laughed and flew off.
" Ok but we got to be careful.." before he could finish, i was plummeting towards the ground with enormous pain in my back. I had tears running down my face. Curtis caught me before I touched the ground and I looked up from his arms, and there he was, Draco. Draco is a devil, when we were younger we would sneak out and play together when no one was looking, but then our father found out and made sure we didn't see each other again. Our fathers were furious because Angels and Devils aren't suppose to be friends, but that didn't stop us. One night we both planned to run away, and we did but we were found before we could go anywhere safe. Draco's father and mine fought, blaming each other for making us friends. We separated our fathers and never meet after. Then months later Draco's dad attacked my kingdom, our father fought the greatest battle there ever was, it lasted 5 whole days. My father lost an arm and an eye and Draco's dad lost his life, and Devils took his body away. From that day on Draco swore that he would take his revenge and avenge his fathers death. But that was like 10 years ago. We are both turning 16 this year, and he still wants revenge. I flew out of Curtis's arms, his arms trying to stop me. I wiggled out of his grip. Taking a spare sword from one of my guard I flew in front of their half circle.
" Jessica, please get behind us your not safe." said commander Curtis. I tilted my head towards him and nodded, telling him to back down. Turning back to Draco i said.
" What do you want pig?". He flew right up to my face. I could smell his putrid breathe, and the tip of my sword was strong against his under chin.
" I want your head your majesty" he said bowing" or should i say Princess Jessica" I grunted at the introduction, I hated being a princess.
" do you remember when we were little? I hated being called that" I said and he smiled at my comment.
" You still remember when we used to hang out. Aww that's sweet" I said joking and dug my sword deeper as blood dropped down.
" Guards take him away" just as i said that, Draco made a sword appear and stabbed my wing, I screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. I hit the ground with a lot of force and before i blacked out I heard his evil retarted cackle.

Authors note
This is my second story but my first good story. THIS CHAPTER HAS BEEN FIXED AND FINALIZED .
Keep on reading.
The Chapter get longer, I promise


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