CHAPTER 10 :- Today

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( ruby is a bit bigger than the small one)
I grabbed my bow and put it around my shoulder. I was led through the castle which was decorated with paintings of the greatest fighters there has ever been. It wasn't hard for me to find my dad.
" so why archery?" Sky broke my train of thought.
" well do you know the angel phoebe, the female archer"
" yes of course she trained secretly for years and then one day she was attacked and she had to protect herself." Sky has a cute voice. I was looking at his bow it had amazing details on it of dragons and flowers. Not very manly. Angel Pheobe was a normal girl she cooked, clean did all the thing women would normally do here. But she would watch the men train and copy what they were doing. She trained herself secretly and never told anyone. Then one day she was attacked by Devils and she had to revel her secret. And because she was a female training in secret she got hanged. But is a idol to lots of girls. Especially me.
" Yea well she's my idol. I wanna be just like her, except not getting hung and I have Ruby with me" I laughed. Ruby screeched and flew around. Then I heard some shouting and a deafening long scream.
" RUBY" I screamed. She got shot in the wing and she was falling. I quickly ran and dived and caught her in my arms.
" Ruby it's gonna be ok. Shh" I patted her.
" please get away from that ugly creature"   I stood up and looked around. There was 6 men pointing the arrows at me and Ruby.
" Do not speak like that to your princess!" Shouted Curtis. They all looked at Curtis and then back at me.
" oh we are sorry your majesty, how could we be so rude. I am archer Hans, this is Sam, Gordon, Lukas, Bj and Conner" They all bowed.
" who was the one who shot Ruby?" I almost shouted. A doctor came running and was taking the arrow out of her wing.
" that would be me your majesty. It was lucky we came in time do you know how rare they are" Gordon said with a wide smile on his face.
" Can you please send a message out to everyone in the second triad, Ruby is my companion and she will be training with me and it is now illegal to kill Owl Griffins" my face was red.
" yes your majesty we are very sorry.  " said Bj. I went to Ruby and asked the doctor how she was.
" well I have never treated a owl griffin before. Maybe you should go into the town and ask the griffin association, they might have someone who knows stuff about them." The doctor was a nice young lady.
" They have a griffin association?" I asked.
" Yea there are lots of other people who want griffin safe" she said.
" ok thank you" I said. Ruby stood up and walked up to me, as I patted her head I searched for sky.
" Sky" I ran over to him and Ruby followed. He was talking to Curtis and commander Gary.
" can we go into town please?" I asked and Ruby climbed onto my shoulder.
" yes of course but why?" He tilted his head and Ruby copied him. I giggled.
" because the doctor said that maybe somebody from the griffin association would maybe know about Ruby's wing and I think I want to tell them that Griffins are now safe." I patted her head and she started to purr.
"Ok but we need to hurry it's almost dark and it is very dangerous. Jessica with commander Curtis and Ruby with me. Hurry" replied sky . As we flew out towards the town I could see that we only had about half an hour before dark. We had guards follow us just in case we didn't make it back in time. The village was cute it had little shops and houses every where and most of the Angels walked. The houses were made out of a very dark wood and each had a little garden at the front. I saw children running around and laughing and it wasn't hard for me to find the griffin associations house. There was a flag that had a griffin on it and hundreds of posters.
" this is it, please hurry" I grabbed Ruby from sky and ran to the door. A young girl answered the door.
" hello my name is Jessica, is there someone here who can help Ruby?" I put ruby down and the girls eyes widened.
" ITS A BABY OWL GRIFFIN" she screamed and then all these people came out and surrounded Ruby and I fell backwards. Luckily curtis caught me. Ruby got scared and ran to me and climbed back on to my shoulders.
" she doesn't like that" I said. They ran towards me but Curtis and Sky got in the way.
" you will not go any closer" Curtis shouted. He's always angry but now he's even more
" what is she some sort of Princess" they all started laughing.
" No I am Queen Jessica from the first triad North" I said stepping around Curtis and sky, while standing higher. They instantly stopped laughing and bowed.
" we are so sorry your majesty how may we help you?" I walked up to the girl who was talking.
" I have some good news and some not so good news. Which one do you want first?" She stood strait and replied.
" the not so good news?" Her orange hair fell in her face.
" well this is Ruby and she has an injured wing, dose anybody know anything about about treating Griffins?" I small dark girl jumped up.
" I do" she ran towards me and tripped over.
" hahah so funny kelly stop showing off." I still don't know her name.
" what is you name?" I pointed to her.
" oh my name is Chloe, I know everything about Griffins" Chloe is so rude.
" ok then why don't you tell me about taking care of a griffin ?" She opened her mouth to say something but the shut it.
" Kelly can you tell me about taking care of Griffins?" I didn't notice that she was looking at Ruby's wing. She made me jump.
" yes I can, the wound on her wing is only small. Griffins can heal themselves unless it is really big but this one will be fully healed by tomorrow." She smiled.
" ok thank you, we have to go but I will come back soon so I can get to know stuff about Ruby ok and oh what do they eat?" I hugged Kelly and gave Ruby to sky.
" they eat meat and vegetables, just like humans. Come back soon, bye" she jumped as she waved and her long brown hair went everywhere. I must of talked to long because half way back it was dark. And then I just realized I didn't tell them that Griffins are protected.






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