Chapter 23:- Argh! Ugh?

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" wake up" said a blurry person. Great I'm in the hospital again. And this time I don't know what happened.
" She's awake" said Phil. I heard  people sigh in relief. I opened my eyes but was blinded by the bright lights.
" Do you remember anything? " asked Ruby. I sat up and stretched my wings, they aren't injured which was good.
" Do you remember anything?" Asked Phil.
" Yea I remember everything except how I got here" I said. Curtis walked up to me. I looked up at Curtis and saw stitches across his eyebrow.
" how did I get here?" I asked.
" you flew into the dragons mouth. We all thought you were crazy and killed your self. But then you came flying out like a crazy warrior, but as you did the dragon howled in pain and hit you with his tail." He said.
" and knocked you out cold" finished sky. I got up and hugged Curtis. We stood around for an hour.
" ok, Doc can I go?" I said grabbing my clothes.
" yep, just no training for 2 days, ok?" He raised his eyebrow. I nodded and we left. We flew to my room in silence. I looked at my necklace. Ruby look it's yellow. I smiled and she tilted her head, she flew around me and we walked to the town.
" Hey Jessica, are you ok?" Asked Curtis.
" yea, I am. Why?" I said. He walked me up onto a beautiful hill of flowers. He has already set up a picnic.
" well with all these injuries" I kissed him. And he looked at me.
" I'm just trying to do my best. I promise I will try harder to not get injured ok" I laughed and made him laugh.
" ok now let's eat" he said.
" omg yes" I breathed . We stuffed our faces. He made me laugh when my mouth was full, and it made my face explode. We ate until the sun went down. We flew back and I left Curtis in his room. As me and Ruby were flying back I saw Jackson panicking.
" Hey Jackson, what's wrong?" I asked.
" ah there you are" he flew up to me and carmed down a bit.
" what why are you looking for me?" I freaked.
" well you know how your fighting The King" he said.
" yeeeeeeaaaa. that's in 2 weeks, why?" He shook his head.
" it's next week and it's on the same day that we attack Draco's castle"" he finished.
" sooo, why at you panicking ?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly.
" how are you going to do both?" He said. He looked worried.
" I can just ask my dad to move it to another day" I said.
" oh" he smiled " I completely forgot that he was your dad. Haha ok goodnight" he laughed his head off.
" goodnight. Let's go Ruby" I laughed. I got to my room and jumped on my bed.
" hey Ruby can I tell them?" I asked.
" tell who what?" She said jumping onto my stomach..
" can I tell Curtis that I can understand you?" I asked.
" maybe another day when you haven't just gotten out of the hospital" she laughed.
" yea I guess that's reasonable" I said. " ok goodnight" I said rolling into my blanket.
" goodnight" she yawned.

I woke up when someone grabbed my ankle with their colds hands. I was in the air, so I swung myself around and sent the person flying into the ground.
" owww" he grumbled.
" ha now you know how it feels!" I laughed. " so Curtis, what do you want?" I helped him to his feet.
" ok well, we have a meeting today in about 2 hours and I wanted you to come and sit down to have breakfast, and then we have to get the meeting room ready" he said hooking his arm around mine.
" ok, come on Ruby lets go" I said. And she shot up and flew after us. We flew down in silence, there were men flying around everywhere. Coming out of their rooms and going in. Some had heaps of weapons in their arms.
" so what is the meeting about?" I asked.
" it's to plan to attack Draco's castle" he said as we walked up to our table.
" good morning love birds" sung Jackson.
" good morning, long time no see" I said.
" yes true, so how are you?" Asked Ryan.
" I am good, so is Ruby. What's for Breakfast." I asked. We talked and talked, I found out that Stuart and Kevin are making full recovery and that they will be getting prosthetics.
" cool, we have to go Jessica." Said Curtis. Ruby jumped onto my shoulders,
" your powers are almost ready" she whispered. Why dose she just bring up random stuff.
" ok, I will talk to you later, bye guys" I said, ignoring what Ruby just said. We got to the room pretty quick.
" who is coming to this meeting" I asked.
"Oh, just the kings and queens of all the other kingdoms" he said. Well as long as aunt Vanessa isn't coming. Then the doors slammed open, and a couple come in.
" Ahh Jessica it's been so long, how are you?" Croaked the old lady's voice.
" yay, aunt Vanessa" kill me now " how are you?" I said through my teeth. She walked up to my and picked at my cheeks.
" I am good chooky" she laughed. Aunt Vanessa is so creepy and annoying. She always wears a lot of close. She looks like a two year old playing dress up. I looked back at Curtis and he laugh.
" ooh this must me Curtis, your such a cutie." She said walking over to Curtis and hugging him.
" Jessica, how are you?" Said uncle Ben. He is kind and not so crazy as Vanessa, he is soft and pretty much the opposite of Aunt Vanessa.
" I'm good, my dad and the other kings should be arriving soon." I said shaking his hand.
" Thank you, oh and also Vanessa got you something" he whispered.
" what is it?" I asked scrunching up my face.
" it's jewelry, but in the bottom I put in a beautiful bow and a dozen arrows" he said. I laughed and hugged him.
" Thank you" I said, then more kings and queens came in. The Kings wandered around the table and the queens sat down after talking to me and asking how I was going. My Parents were the last to arrive.
" ok Let the meeting commence" said my dad.

Authors note

Thanks for reading, tell me any mistakes and ship names, I have one is jestis (Jessica + Curtis) it's weird but yea.



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