" I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. Truth is I love and miss us. I pray every night that God would forgive me and also you. Before I made you my life dedicating everything to you and you only. I got caught up in the anxiousness and fucked up badly. I know your hurt by my wrong doings but I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry!" He said a little tear dropped down his cheek, making me cry.

" Jay I can't take you back I'm so-"
I burry my head in my knees letting out all of my pain as Jay grips on me tight. I like the feeling of him holding me, with my head buried into his chest but I can't take him back.

I wipe my face and try to pace my breathes back to normal.
" My heart isn't right without you!" He said getting on his knees. I couldn't bare to look him in the eyes.
" no Jay just stop-" I managed to to say as I saw break down for the first time in life...

" Tiana if you only know what I've been thru, it's been hell without you and I can't take it!" He said urging his face into my lap. I didn't know wether to feel bad for him or just ignore him.
My hands ran thru his hair as I could feel his tears soak thru my pants.

" listen to me, I love you ok and I will always love you!" I said as he stood up.
He wiped away his tears as I watched his red face slowly fade.

" I need to tell you something "I said fiddling with my fingers while looking down. He picks up my chin so I'm forced to give him eye contact
" what is it Ti?" He asked.

I hesitated to answer, but finally found the strength to answer back
" I- I kissed Brandon!" It slipped through my mouth like liquid. He looked at me and looked away.
" so that's what you guys were doing huh?" He said clenching his fists.

I jumped on top of him, rubbing his shoulders. " no no it was just accidentally, I didn't mean to" I cried. He shook his head agitatedly and I could feel he was angry.

" Im serious that's why I walked home, I told him it wasn't right after." I wined. He looked at me pitifully but I couldn't fall for it because he still had no right to do what he did to me.

" I would never want to hurt Kehlani, and you know that" I said sincerely.
" I have no right to be mad at you because of my mistake. I know if we were together that would've never happened. So blame me..." He said shaking his head. It's not his fault, they were my lips that decided to share a moment with Brandon. He shouldn't feel like that.

" since we've been apart, I've tried cutting" Jaden said softly. As his voice cracked his innocence was killing me. I never thought Jay would ever do that!

" I'm so sorry!" I said throwing myself on top of him. I held him tight and cried onto his shoulder. I can't continue in this distress and live in a bunch of clouds. I know what he did and it was wrong but, I have to make things better. I miss his touch,that bright smile and the compliments that always brightens my heart each morning.

Those things were lost, but now I can finally say their found! I lift my head up from his shoulder to see tears in his eyes, his cheeks were hot and red. I caressed his cheek and wiped off his tears.

" Jay I can't do this without you!" I said softly. He looks up to me caressing my cheek softly making me feel hypnotized at his single touch.

" Tiana I will do anything to get you back in my arms for good!" He said whispering in my ear. My hands followed his tone, roaming up his chest.
" let me take you back..." He said nibbling on my earlobe as I giggled silently.

" what you waiting for?" I said smiling throw the grief. I had my mind straight but I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do....

" I-I just don't know if I'm making the right choice.... What if you hurt me ag-" I try to say getting off as his lips crashed into mines. I was feeling the moment and I loved it. My heart was pounding and I couldn't wait to actually call him mines again.

" I promise... I don't want any girl but you!" He said smiling. I took his hand and guided him up to the bedroom.
I closed the door behind us and lead him to my bed. I pushed him into the bed and climbed on top off him staring into his big brown eyes.

I started to lift off his shirt leaving sweet kisses on his chest and abs. His deep moans fill the air with my faint breathes. I didn't know exactly what I was doing but I was sure I wanted it.

He flips on top of me eager as ever. He trails kisses down to the crook of my neck. " you smell delicious!" He whispers in my ear making me giggle. As he continues to pleasure me he then goes down an pulls down my bra strap
,and I move around a little being ticklish.

He kisses my shoulder and leads back up to neck and then we're at eye contact," Don't rush anything, your not ready for and I'm fine with that!" He said laying in my chest. I looked down him and smiled wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt actually relieved because I'm too young in my preference to be having sex, but now a days age 17 that's old....

" I love you" I whispered softly in his ear. He whispers back," I love you even more".

I'm at this point in life where I feel like I've experienced it all... It makes me feel stronger as a person, unstoppable.
I've dedicated so much time worrying about that bad, that I haven't notice the beauty right in front of me. I've mostly noticed that words really do hurt people, but they shouldn't be taken seriously because at the end of the day it's only you. My mind is focused on one thing and that's self happiness, I'm getting closer to my goal because right now I wouldn't to be anywhere else but here. I'm happy and I love the feeling.
I had to be deep in thought to really write the ending... But I hope you guys liked this chapter and PLEASE comment🍃💗

Keep Up Player.⭐️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora