His tone was angry and frustrated. Hmmm I am wondering why and who is he talking about?

I keep listening through their conversation while I'm unconscious.

" W-we didn't notice Lord Shenrin.. We were very sorry that we lost our watch over her Majesty. " another voice said in a startled tone and this came from a woman. I sense that scared people were surrounding me. Are there many people present here?

The guy suddenly snapped, in an angry manner he said,

" Thats all you can say to me? She could have died and all I'm hearing was just a fvcking sorry? That was b*llsh*t! All of you, get out my face right now. I don't want to see all of you here. Do you all hear me? " he sounds calm but he was really furious.

He was mean alright. What is he angry about? Why shout that loud when others can really hear you without shouting? Tsk, guys and their tempers.

I can't understand this people sometimes.

" Y-yes Lord S-shenrin we were very sorry... " the lady answered right away and leave the room with the others hurriedly. Oh a room it is where I am.

I heard footsteps and another guy talk in the background.

" Shen calm down. " he said.

The earlier guy became more agitated and losing its temper again. Light a fuse for the fire to show. Why so grumpy?

" I can't calm down. seeing her lying unconsciously. there in the bed. as if she was already dead! " the angry guy said dangerously then added, " For fucks sake Riuyu! She's deadly cold and you want me to calm down? Are you kidding me? Of course I would not! " he snapped again.

I heard the other guy sighed then said.

" She caught something alright? There is a medication for that and you know it. She's just sick. "

The room filled with silence then the other voice slightly calm down. After a few minutes the other guy asked.

" What are you trying to say? What did she caught? tell me. " the guy urged. I nearly laughed at that because he's acting so funny.

Why is he even worried for that someone that much? Is he committed to that person or something?

I stop talking to my self when the other guy talked again.

" Its the 'bug of desires' man. It slowly kills a person who was infected by it. She haven't mated with anyone yet Shen. Its boosting some desire in a person's body that will cause libido level rising. I think that kind of bug bit her there, no doubt. " it said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

That guy have some knowledge talking like some freaking scholar of the Medieval Era.

The angry guy a while ago whisper in disbelief.

" How could you be so sure when in fact that bug is rarely seen. That couldn't be, its just impossible. "

I feel the other guy raised an eyebrow and stared at the guy pointedly then the guy scolded him like he was the other guy's freaking father.

" Well its possible. Don't ever doubt me once. She was clearly showing the symptoms of having it and you know that she haven't mated with someone as long as she live, so that's it. " the guy ended.

" What? " the other guy who was clearly worried snapped its head asking what he should do.

" YOU HAVE TO DO IT. " the other guy answered clearly already made up his mind.

What are they talking about? They're conversation went too fast that I lost track on it. Do what?

I suddenly felt someone brush their lips on mine and I like it. It lingers for a moment before it pulls away. I like that warmth. Maybe I can gain consciousness if I felt again.

" I'll leave now Shen. You two need to do some copulation. Do what you have to do and please try to keep yourselves silent. See you in a while. " the other guy smirk and bid its goodbye leaving the room for Mr. Grumpy and whoever his referring to.

Now I'm left then too? What is his name again? I can't seem to remember.

I then felt the sudden struck of pain in my whole body. I unconsciously clutched hard on the bed sheet feeling the aches in every inch of my body.

I am burning with need and I craved for the feeling of heat that will oozed out my sickness. Droplets of cold sweat flow down my forehead and I can't take it any longer.

I shouted at the pain that causing me. I rolled back and forth every now and then finding a comfortable position to ease the pain. Buts its really not helping.

" U-urghhh! P-please m-make it stop... " I shout and cried pleading with pain written across all over my face.

Someone then lowered its body from the bed and wipe away my tears that falls down from my eyes.

" I love you ... " he started to whisper. "... and I don't know what will I do if something bad happens to you ... " he then kiss my forehead closing his eyes. " ... and we need to do something and I just want you to know that I'm willing to do it with you and nobody else. " then he hugged me, slowly tightening his grip he added, " Please just bear with me and I will bring you back. I need you, do you hear me? ... You're my life and I'll die without you. " he whispered in my ear sounding pained and desperate like he have no other choice.

For some reason, his words reach my heart. I wanted to cry at what he said like he's referring to me as his beloved. I felt so vulnerable and happy that I was able to hear everything he confessed.

He then touch my cheek then breath as if preparing himself, then I felt it.

He's bringing me back to life.

Gods and Demons [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now