Chapter 29

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Yesterday was fun but now something felt so wrong. I woke up alone wondering where Shenrin is. I got off the bed and went outside the room barefooted.

Where is he? I ask myself after opening the door.

" Shen?, " I whispered after stepping out the door, scanning the area for any trace of him.

Where did he go this early? I can't even feel his aura. Its weird like something bad will happen.

I head for the enchanted stairs that shows a red crown the second time I step on it which was now. I went down the hall and awed by the Majestic tapestries that greet me that haven't notice last time because I'm caught up with my thoughts. Ornaments were displayed all over the place, giant portraits with life size armoured statues standing beside it and all were what I discovered this place have. It was for Royalties indeed.

Where the hell are the servants in here? This place is quiet making me devastated more. I continued wondering after taking some more glimpses on every astonishing things around the place that surrounded the Palace hallways.

I passed by with some servants now I don't remembered seeing last time who just vow their heads courteously at me. Startled in their actions, I nod courteously at them too. Some looked shock. What? Don't I have the rights to be courteous to them?

I ignored their reactions then out of blue after walking half an hour, I came across Rikodo's shadow from a distance and I'm certain it was him and maybe he can answer my questions so I did call him.

" Rikodo! s- stop for a moment in your position please! I.... I h-have something to asked you..." I panted after reaching him because I ran across the hallway just to caught up with his fast shadow.

He did stop and appeared in front of me. He was what exactly he looked like the first time we met.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he started to asked.

" What is it you want to ask your Majesty? "

Still panting, I managed to ask.

" Have you seen Shen? He's not in the room when I woke up.... " my voice worried.

Rikodo nodded in understanding.

" He was out checking if wild demons were lurking in the shadows again. Its happening now recently. Do you need him now your Majesty? I shall call him if you ordered, allow me. " he proposed but I decline right away. I'm not the kind of person who will boss around and make others do errands for me.

Shenrin is busy and I just can't let myself interrupt him for doing something important. I heaved a sighed of defeat for myself and smiled at Rikodo lightly.

" Oh, you don't need to bother him. I think I can managed wondering alone around this huge Palace but thank you for volunteering to bring him. " I said trying to sound okay.

" Are you sure of your decision her Majesty? " he inquiried more, confirming my answer.

I nod in return.

" Yeah, you can went off now to where your heading awhile ago. " I bid him goodbye and walked off.

Wondering around again in countless hours without eating anything, I absent-mindedly opened a door from the deepest part of the Palace. I don't know how did I get there but it just happens, I'm here. Its a basement full of antiques.

A lot of dusty armors were standing from the wall and different swords, axes, speers and all were lying on the floor mixed together. There were dusty disheveled books with webs on the shelves and this place is unused. I observed that it was not cleaned anymore like no one ever wanted to entered it for a long time.

Gods and Demons [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon