Chapter 31- I don't want to do this, I have to.

Start from the beginning

I did the same as before, walking into the room without making eye contact, until she stopped me. 

Katy placed her hand on my shoulder. “S-Sammie,” that quiet, upset voice making me once again just want to cry. 

I looked up but didn’t look her in the eyes, “I’m going out, I’ll be back later.” 

“Where are you going?”

I ran my hand through my hair, feeling the awkwardness between us both. We were both thinking about the same thing. 

“Out with Oliver.” 

“Well, do you have your phone?” 

I felt around in my pockets for a minute, “Yes.” 

Nothing else was said. Although maybe there was so much more than should have been. I left with out another single word. Oliver’s Range Rover was still running outside, as I jogged over and climbed in the passenger’s seat. 

“Alright darling, everything okay?” He asked with a smile. 

I sighed whilst fastening my seat belt, “I don’t know, not really.” 

“How about I buy us both a coffee and we can talk about it, sound okay?” 

I felt comfortable talking to him about these kind of situations. He would never be able to fully understand the situation between me and Katy because he’s not known me all my life, but I know that their situation is kind of similar, so he’s good to talk to about things like this. 

I nodded back at him, “Yeah,” 


“Have you both spoken about it this morning?” 

We were sat in a small café just a couple of minutes away from Katy‘s house. I was picking at a chocolate muffin and staring into my now empty cup of coffee. For the past twenty minutes me and Oliver had been talking about what happened last night, he was actually a really good listener. During this time my mind just kept wandering back to Katy, how upset she must be, what she would be doing right now. 

“We haven’t really spoke since last night. I told her I was going out and that was pretty much it. I think I have actually just gone and ruined everything.”

“You haven’t r-” 

“You weren’t there Oliver, you didn’t see the look on her face.”

He sighed, his fingers were running along the rim of his cup. “She loves you.” 

“Enough to forgive me? I-I was so harsh, but I did it for her…in a way. I didn’t want her to get her hopes up for something that might not happen. I’m a complete idiot for even saying it.” 

“Mamfa, listen,” Oliver put one hand on the side of my face and lent a little bit over the table. “Stop worrying alright, I promise you everything’s going to be okay.” 

I don’t know what it was, maybe it was the way he said it, or how his face was completely serious as he spoke, but my instinct was telling me to trust him. So I did. 

I nodded and put another bit of chocolate muffin in my mouth. Oliver’s phone buzzed on the table, lighting up reading ‘incoming text.’ I couldn’t read the name underneath, but I had a pretty good idea of who it was. I didn’t want to seem nosy so I just carried on eating until he put his phone back down on the table in front of him. 

“Katy.” He said in a breath. “She was just making sure you were safe, see, you haven’t ruined everything.” 

I lifted up my head, giving him a confused look. “I didn’t say she wants me dead. Of course she wants to know I’m safe, but that doesn’t mean everything’s good now.” 

My World Will Stop Spinning [Katy Perry Fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now