Taehyung shook his head, 'Never mind.'

'Alright,' Taegeuk whispered and kept her eyes glued outside, 'There he is!' she  yelled as she pointed to yet another bus stop.

He was curled up and asleep on the bench.

Taehyung slammed on the brakes and swung the door open before running to him.

Taegeuk jumped out of the car and yanked on his arm, waking him up.

'Taekwon! Wake up!' She said as she pulled his arm.

Taehyung pulled both the twins into his arms and sat there in silence, just holding them tightly with his eyes closed.

'W-what?' Taekwon mumbled, 'what's going on?' He said as he wriggled his arm out of Taehyung's grip and rubbed his eyes.

'What are we doing here!' Taekwon freaked out and squirmed between Taegeuk's and Taehyung's bodies.

Taehyung pulled back and held both of their arms, looking at Taekwon, 'You don't know how you got here?' He asked.

Taekwon shook his head and shivered.

Taehyung stood up and lead them back to the car, 'It doesn't matter, let's just go home, alright?'

Taegeuk held her brothers arm and rested her head on his shoulder in the backseat while Taehyung drove them home.

'Slow down,' Taekwon whispered, 'the constellations are clear tonight.'

'Constellations?' Taehyung asked.

'The stars, the shapes the stars make, the constellations, you know?' Taekwon said in a sleepy voice, almost sounding as if he were half asleep or about to doze off at any moment.

'Yeah, I know.' Taehyung answered, occasionally looking up at the sky but seeing nothing but darkness.

Taekwon leaned his head on the window and adjusted his eyes to focus on the sky, blocking out the streetlights glow.

'Orion,' Taekwon whispered, 'Canis Major, Canis Minor...' He whispered again as he found the constellations.

Taehyung slowed down, almost coming to a complete stop and looked out of the front window.

'Orion is the hunter,' Taekwon began with his eyes fixed on the sky, 'Major and Minor Canis are his hunting dogs, always by his side.'

Taehyung looked out the window, attempting to find the constellations but coming up with nothing, just the black of the night. He thought about the hunter and his two hunting dogs, relating them to himself and his two twins, now, always by his side.

'There's Taurus as well,' Taekwon whispered, 'Orion and his hunting dogs are on their way to hunt him, the bull.'

'Do they?' Taehyung asked with a smile, looking at Taekwon in the rear view mirror.

'It's just a constellation,' Taekwon answered, 'a story.'

'Oh.' Taehyung raised his eyebrows, surprised that a ten year old would know this much.

'Orion dared to hunt all the animals on the planet, so Gaia sent a scorpion to make sure he wouldn't hunt again,' Taekwon explained in a half asleep daze, 'that's why the Scorpius and Orion constellations aren't in the sky at the same time. They're enemies.'

Taekwon shuffled in his seat and adjusted his head more comfortably against the window.

'Ophiuchus is in between the two constellations, Orion and Scorpius, because he revived Orion with an antidote, protecting him from Scorpius,' Taekwon continued, 'Orion and his hunting dogs were put in the sky by Zeus for being good hunters, and to show their story to the world, if the world bothers to listen during the late hours of the night.' He sighed and withdrew his head from the window, resting it on Taegeuk's head.

'Do you think mama was put in the sky?' Taegeuk whispered, just loud enough for them to hear.

Taekwon shrugged and closed his eyes, listening to the hum of the car.

Taehyung pulled in the driveway and got out of the car, opening the door for them and leading them inside.

Taehyung dragged himself back to his bedroom, the twins slowly followed him and jumped onto his bed as he began to unzip his hoodie.

'Can we sleep with you tonight?' Taekwon asked as he looked up at Taehyung sleepily.

Taehyung sighed and zipped his hoodie back up before crawling over the bed, lying in between the two and pulling them close.

'Alright.' He nodded with a smile and turned the lamp off.

[A/N: The story of the constellations wasn't completely a space filler, it holds some sort of significance in this story. Maybe you will find out in later updates ;) hope you enjoy.]

To Find Her Again [TLTL sequel / COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now