My mind swarms at all of the possibilities and I think that maybe it's like a 'death anniversary' card. In Martin's journal, he mentioned Haley was friends with him to. Is this to his parents? Did he die last year? I wonder if I should ask Haley about this. I'm more than curious about what exactly happened. From all that I read from Martin's journal, I feel like this is all tying together. 

I almost drop the card and envelope when I hear a couple of knocks at the door. Who could that be? Surely it's not Haley, she has a key. I hold onto the card and make my way over towards the door. I pull it open quickly and before I look up, all I see is black material. My eyes trail up and a lump forms in my throat. 


His green-grey eyes stare at me intensely and I suddenly feel nervous. 

"Hey," his voice is dry and unsure, something that is unusual for him. Something sounds like something is wrong with him. 

"Hi," I attempt to be 'normal', but I fail miserably. I feel so ashamed of myself, but there is nothing I can do about it now. 

"Can I come in?" he asks, his eyes taking a second to look behind of me. He must have known Haley wasn't here, otherwise, he probably wouldn't have come. 

I decide to keep my mouth shut and just nod my head, stepping aside for him. He comes in slowly and I catch a whiff of his cologne that always puts me in a trance. I shut the door quietly and see him standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask the obvious question and his brows furrow in confusion. His eyes also narrow slightly. 

"What do you mean, what am I doing here?" he asks as if he is appalled at me from asking the question. "I have barely seen you for three fucking days and you're asking me that?" he snaps bitterly and I feel slightly intimidated from him. 

"I haven't felt too well," I answer simply, partially telling the truth. For the most part, I just can't bring myself to see him. 

"And you couldn't have told anyone?" he snaps again, his jaw clenching furiously. I look away from his gaze, trying to stop myself from rolling my eyes. 

"If you came here just to bitch at me, you can leave," I tell him and this time, it was my turn for my voice to snap in frustration. His eyebrows furrow even deeper and I can tell he is mad at something. 

"I came here to check on you," he says sternly, "Do you not remember, I came here three days ago and you were a mess," he finishes, his eyes studying my face deeply. 

"Well I'm fine," I lie right through my teeth and I know the look on his face; he doesn't believe me. 

"Mads, what the hell happened?" he asks and I feel a pit settling in my stomach. "You can be honest with me," he adds and when those words leave his mouth, I feel my own anger build up inside of me. 

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