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This is an AU and I hope to everything that you like it!

So have fun reading!


"I now pronounce you Mr. And Mr. Stylinson. You may kiss the groom." The pastor said as he closed his bible, and smiled at the couple.

Louis and Harry look into each others eyes, smiling big and slowly leaning towards each other. As their lips connect, Harry smiles into the kiss, making Louis smile as well, causing the kiss to become a short one. As they pulled back they are finally pulled back to the reap world and cheering from each others family's is all that can be heard. Harry grabbed Louis hand and turned towards the audience and jogged down the isle until they stood at the doors of the church.

They pulled the doors open and felt the rays of the sun hit their skin, and the fresh air fill their lungs. They looked at each other once more and smiled even bigger as their families came up behind them and patted them on the back. The families lined up on either side, and the girls stood in the middle waiting for Harry to throw the bouquet of flowers that he begged his mother to get for him. He bit his lip, closed his eyes and tossed it back turning around and saw his sister Gemma holding them with a blush on her cheeks.

"I better be invited." Harry said as he passed his sister with a smile on both of their faces.

"Congratulations son, you've finally found the one." Robin spoke.

"I know. I can't wait until the honeymoon, but we have to get through the reception first." Harry smiled, patting Robin on his back. "I appreciate everything Robin, I really do." Harry spoke as the tears filled his eyes once again.

"No problem Harry, I'd do anything for you." Robin smiled.

Harry looked around, seeing Louis hugging his mum and dad, as well as talking to his sisters. Harry smiled at this, loving how good Louis is with kids. He walks over to Louis and grabs his hand kissing the back of it kissing his cheek as well.

"Oh love, I'm so proud of you." Harry's mum speaks as she kisses his cheeks and hugs him tightly.

"Mum, air." Harry squeaks.

"Sorry dear, I'm just so proud of you. Louis really is the one isn't he?" His mum asked as she looks at Louis with a face he couldn't decipher.

"Yeah, he is." Harry smiled with a fond look on his face.

A few minutes passed as Harry and Louis walked around getting congratulatory pats on the back and everything, smiling at family and then they got in the car and drove to the venue for their reception. As they arrived, the went inside the little party place and sat around as everyone started to arrive one by one. They danced and partied, and chatted with everyone, having a grand old time. Until they both saw Joe standing in the doorway of the place.

"Babe, what's Joe doing here?" Harry asked Louis as the smile on his face slowly fell.

"What?" Louis asked as he quickly looked over to where Harry was looking.

"Joe, he's over there. What is he doing here?"

"I invited him, but he told me he couldn't come." Louis spoke as he walked over to Joe, and shook hands with him.

"Joe." Louis spoke.

"Louis, Harry." Joe spoke as he nodded his head.

"I thought you said you couldn't come?" Louis spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

"I couldn't, but a situation come up." Joe spoke as he took his hat off his head and held it by his side.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked confused.

"We need you to come back." Joe spoke looking at the ground and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Joe I thought I had until May? Its only April 3rd." Louis spoke as he walked out of the room, Harry following behind.

"Louis, we need you to come back. Johnson has been severely injured and you're our only best sniper." Joe spoke.

"Joe, I haven't even gone on my honeymoon yet. Why can't I stay until May like planned?"

"Because, you're our best sniper, and we only have Jameson, Roberts, and Rivera. You know we need at least four snipers."

"Fine. When do we leave?" Louis spoke as he shoved his hands in his pockets.


"Now?! I'm not even packed!" Louis shouted.

Harry placed his hand on Louis shoulder, and squeezed giving him a comforting gesture.

"You have until 5, then we have to get going." Joe says as he leaves.

Louis looked down at his watch and his eyes went huge, and his mouth dropped.

"That only gives me an hour!" Louis snapped.

Louis sighed as he grabbed Harry and placed a large kiss on Harry's lips, kissing him with as much passion as he could. They pulled apart, a few tears falling down Harry and Louis faces. They wiped away each others tears, kissing each other once again and stood in the doorway.

"I love you Harry." Louis sobbed.

"I love you too Louis." Harry spoke as he hugged him tightly, digging his head in the crook of his neck.

"Goodbye." Louis spoke ready to leave.

"What did I tell you about goodbye?" Harry spoke sternly.

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." Louis spoke softly.

"That's right Peter Pan. Never say goodbye, always say see you later." Harry smiled as he moved Louis hair out of his face.

"I've got to go. I don't have much time to pack." Louis spoke.

"Alright, I'll see you later?"

"See you later Haz." Louis smiled as he placed a kiss on Harry's lips one more time, before walking down the stairs slowly holding hands until only the tips of their fingers could be felt.

Getting into the car, Louis rolled down the window and started it, looking over to Harry and blowing a kiss his way. Harry caught it, and placed it in his pocket and blew one to Louis. Louis placed his in his pocket as well, saving it for when he needed it most, and drove off with one final look at Harry, praying he would get to see him again.

Well hello there!

I'm glad you have made it to this book.

I hope you have enjoyed chapter one so far, and I hope you comment lots.

Speechless will be updated tonight after I eat dinner, and this will be updates Daily I hope.

Anyway, stay beautiful, kind, and sweet like I know y'all are.

Love you!

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