Ron Imagine for @xXEllaValenciaXx

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Ron's POV

I shouted loud enough for all of Gryffindor to hear. Ella, my beautiful girlfriend was complaining about how we never do anything fun. Not recently anyway. I decided we would do a little one on one action on the Quidditch pitch. Chaser vs. Keeper kind of thing.

I, of course, was going to win. And poor Ella was going to lose so bad, it will haunt her for the rest of her life.

Ella's POV

I glanced up at Padma and Parvati.

"It's Ron. I better go. I'll see you two later."

The twins said their goodbyes and I began to gather up my studying materials so I could go see what that lunatic wanted.

After shoving the stuff into my trunk, I sauntered out the girl's dormitories and into the main area.

"Finally! It took you forever!"

Ron tried to be as dramatic as he could.

"And good afternoon to you too."

I walked up to him and got on my tiptoes to give him a gentle peck on his soft lips.

Before I could actually kiss him, he pulled away.

"Ah ah ah. Gotta catch me first."

He turned and grabbed his broom, which was lying conveniently next to mine, by the door. Then he raced out the door and toward the Quidditch pitch, I assume.

I laughed to myself and grabbed my broom as well.

Ron's POV
I made it to the pitch well before her, using this time to make sure no one, especially a teacher, was around. Someone zipped past me and I immediately recognized that speed only belonged to Bella.

"Now you gotta catch me Weasley!"

I chuckled and started towards her.

We went on like that for a while. Me chasing her and getting pretty close, but then her speeding up more. Eventually I was too tired and the stars were beginning to show, so I flew down to the ground. My broom slowly came to a stop and I laid down gently on the grass.

Ella did the same and laid down next to me, and placed her hand in mine.

We laid there silently for a few minutes. Then I broke the comfortable silence.

"Ella. You know I love you right?"

"Of course I do Ron. You tell me that everyday."

We both fell silent again.

"And I love you too. If not more."

I turned my head to study her gorgeous features, glad to be here, in this moment, with my favorite girl in the world.

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